In which area of your life are you struggling?! Let me tell you why!

In life, sometimes we win sometimes we fail, when we win we feel lucky when we don’t we feel looser.

Is that correct?! Are you being hard on yourself when you don’t get the desired results, or do you celebrate your strengths and your achievements?! Well it is all about the perspective, and let me firmly tell you that you have to be more practical in your approach, it does not matter which is the area you are suffering in. Whether it is relationships, career, just a simple job, you can’t seem to have any talent, you don’t feel comfortable, you don’t think you are beautiful enough, you don’t like your body, you can’t seem to have the friends that you would wish for, you are never happy… and on and on and on.

There are so many theories out there, some say you are not lucky, some say it is karma, some say you can’t do anything to change your life, some say you are a failure and you have to face it, some say you have to work harder and harder until you probably get “sick and tired” more than you really get what you want or need. Well to a certain degree there is destiny and karma, but mostly it is in your hands. How?!

My point is, check your thoughts every given moment if they are negative, breathe and change those into positive ones if you need to change your beliefs, do it now! Check if you need to read more and do more research in a particular field of your life, let’s say you are never where you would like to be, it seems like Universe does not have your back. Well, this is what you believe, do you think you are not worthy or there is not enough for you?!

All you need to do it is just some work with your self-esteem, work with yourself, courage yourself daily, and smile have some fun and change your thought pattern if need will be. Try to be more practical and try to learn a little bit more than others whenever you feel like you can’t seem like you are good enough, probably that’s why you think you are in the wrong situation or job place, but you are not, you are there to learn what you are lacking.

Indeed universe has your back, ALWAYS, you just have to look for the signs, you got to show more confidence and allow yourself to express whatever you are good at without pressure. You are afraid of failure and want to be the best of yourself, learn how to accept the failure gracefully and when we fail we have to try again so it is kind of repeating it because we need to get better and better, it is not a punishment, it is actually a particular lesson you need to be more skillful and you just have to actually face it! After all, nothing remains the same and we always get better. Isn’t it?!

We fail until we learn what we need to and then we become masters, that’s all, life is awesome again! What is really going on here, you will do it right next time, but you have got to try, you have to dare and often! ❤️❤️❤️

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