2023 as a 7 Universal Year

We are required to step into our true self.

I continuously hear people complain about how they feel or the challenges that they have been or are facing, some are just internal and others have been manifested in the material world.

I just wanted to shed some light, as I have been having my personal issues related to what is going on. We are all touched somehow…

2023 has been a 7 Universal Year and because of the spiritual nature of this number many have experienced losses and challenges as a way to connect with their soul and their spiritual purpose.

Now some may have been facing even more hardships due to resisting the natural flow of this necessary shift or deep transformation that is not meant to break us but shake up the status quo and awaken us, bringing us back to the forgotten self.

Focusing inward has been the theme for this year and it will continue well late until the end of 2023.

Also the North Node of destiny has moved from Taurus where we were able to recognize and work through with our worth and values into Aries. It will stay there until year 2025.

Aries North Node tolerates nothing but the blunt truth, as well as wants us to be deeply comfortable with ourselves at the expense of losing others if we have to in order to take our power back, and live a fulfilling life on our terms.

Expect structures, jobs, relationships, friendships to be left behind for the new ones to enter our lives.

Although it may feel as a tremendous loss, nothing that we let go now was meant to stay anyways.

Ready or not, we may try to not do the work and crash or surrender to the process and embrace the new path.

Good luck!


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