Happy new year! Happy 2019!

Just for today please leave everything, and be happy! Surrender to the universe!

“I am better than you, I am smarter than you, I am more beautiful… I for sure deserve way more than you, why don’t you understand?!”

Have you ever been thinking in this way, comparing yourself with someone else? This is actually ego talking! Ego needs to be boosted from time to time because it is scared that if not, it is going to die, but the ego does not understand that it is our heart that can take us to those wonderful places.

What ego usually does, it complains and it is never happy, therefore needs to change and to boost herself and to compare just to feel better for a few more seconds. Do you get my point?

Ego forgets that we are expressions of the same source, each one of us, and we are all talented in special ways. Just like there are different shapes, names, faces, bodies, voices, brain capacity, preferences… we are unique, we do not need to compare our-self with anyone unless that helps us understand fearlessly where we stand.

Because, when we build a house we need all the tools, every single tool it is needed in the same degree. If one tool is missing we can not build the house. It is like with human beings bodies, if one organ it is sick, we feel sick until we get better.

And we all make one!

So, no one whatsoever it is better than anyone, no one it is worst than anyone, no matter what game your ego is playing. And just for today be compassionate, forget your pride, your ego and love everyone despite the differences.

I wish you all a blast Year! Until next time I send you so much love ❤️❤️❤️

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