Rejection… this concept as old as life itself!

Rejection…only the idea makes you feel sick, it hurts so much, you feel distorted and lose hope in the future. Your self-esteem gets damaged and low every time it happens and it seems like you can’t help yourself. I can’t believe I am even writing these words, because of the negative impact they leave in our believing system.

We all have been rejected, probably more than once. We know the feeling! We also know we don’t want to experience it again, so we either completely self-sabotage ourself and we don’t get the chances that life presents to us, out of fear, or we learn how to manage it. That’s the trick in the incarnation. Learn or keep repeating it!

First of all, never, ever lose hope. When you get rejected, surrender and do not fear it. Remain still, listen to what it has to say, just listen your inner voice don’t be scared by it, it is simply a byproduct of thousands of collected thoughts, critics, expectations, of OTHERS. Most of them don’t belong to you.

There was a time (and sometimes still happens to me, when my ego finds ways to remind me of that), when I have been feeling paralyzed by the idea and the obsession of trying to do everything in perfection, with total integrity, without being practical at all, in a material world, and nothing was working whatsoever. I was destroyed by my own thoughts and I was believing it was pointless to even try.

Trust me it is not! We just don’t know it yet, until we realize it.

Everything it is just a passing breeze, nothing lasts forever, everything falls apart just to fall into place again, raising you to another direction and a clearer way of thinking. After the cloud, the dark, the rain, the cold, the Rainbow shines higher and the colors are brighter.

Second of all, when you get rejected, and you do not actually try to control it, or to change it, or to do affirmations that will make you feel better for a few seconds just for it to grow bigger later on until you literally explode.

Well…as I mentioned above, stand still, stay quietly, lay down on the ground if you can and let the feeling of rejection to sit there for a while, let the giant scream at you, observe it and you will see it is just your own creation, it is completely fake. It is not real! Only then you will be able to understand that when it happens again, you will learn to not fight it anymore, you will learn to not get disappointed easily, or distracted, or powerless.

Actually, I recommend you get rejected until you won’t give a damn anymore, and that feeling it is going to be just a dream from far-away times and places that created it but they left the building a long time ago.

Finally, it won’t affect you anymore, because that’s the way it works. For you to not try to push it down, but for you to see it in the eye and to not get influenced by it. Slowly but surely this way you will learn how to free yourself from all sorts of feelings not only rejection. Love you all! ❤️❤️❤️

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