Are you a narcissist or an empath?

Narcissists and empaths! No one it is one hundred percent narcissist or one hundred percent an empath. From time to time we switch those roles, but some of us are to a certain degree more narcissist then empaths and vice versa.

There are also quizzes you can take online to find out and thousands of books that can help you know who you are. 
They are both opposite sides of the same coin. They can switch into being one or the other. They are blessed with great intuition.

While a narcissist gets information trying to use it for their own personal motives, usually to use it against you, to trigger or to manipulate, when they need to get something, they have this ability to understand your emotional state, to read into you without you saying much, and that it is called intellectual empathy.

Empaths on the other side, collect information, with the intention to try to help the other, not to use and abuse, even though they have the gift of this information and they know that they know more than the others think, they know, they can do whatever they want with what they feel, but they still use it for the highest good. And that is called emotional empathy.

To conclude, narcissists and empaths are “kind of the same”, they are both talented with intuition, they are here to understand others, the only thing that separates them is that they use their power differently. ❤️❤️❤️

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