Are you living in 3D reality, are you ignoring the 4th dimension?!

As you may know, there are several chakras or energy points in our physical body, but only 7 are the major ones.

The first 3 chakras ( root, sacral and solar plexus), are connected with survival, security, belonging in the world, emotions, fears, stability, grounding, sexuality, fertility, creativity, boundaries, personal power, trust…

From the 4th chakra up to the 7th we live in the world from a completely different perspective. As those chakras ( heart, throat, third eye and crown), are connected with the higher levels of understanding, yin and yang, empowerment, love, compassion, forgiveness, intuition, speaking the truth, divine, pure consciousness, light, wisdom…

Unfortunately, The majority creates and procreates in the 3D reality, most of us are not awake, we live our lives without realizing our power, or our faults, without realizing where are we coming from. Most of us do not know that we are not only the body we reside in, but we are also beyond that in many ways.

We are not our mind and the precipitate of all the thoughts and patterns that we have collected through all of our lifetimes of interactions with each other.

Knowing your body, your chakras, unblocking and healing your power, one learns that we have the ability to heal our mind and we can definitely open the gates for our spirit, our inner self to take the rains and for the mind and body to follow, not vice-virsa. When we live from the heart chakra and up to the other levels we finally are able to know the true meaning of life, the purest wellbeing.

And when lost, when nothing seems to make any sense that is the true “aha” moment, exactly that sadness it is the catalyst for our awakening, for being aware, and for finally getting out from the ancient sleeping.

When every problem eventually has a solution. When we truly and wholeheartedly participate in our healing, we find our purpose. And living a life full of purpose and awareness it is a responsibility but for sure the best way to enjoy every second on earth. Enjoy the ride to the fullest! ❤️❤️❤️

To be continued…

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