On the edge of winter blues!

It is that time of the year when we vibrate low energetically, days are shorter and the light is missing. Most of us feel distracted and easily tired. I am a born in summer type of individual I can’t stand lethargy for long periods, I need to fly, breathe in the fresh air, seclusion it is not my forte, it has never been.

Obviously, this is my personal opinion about winter, I know people who love this season and they say that it does not affect their moods, but yeah it surely does to me, and I am pretty sure I am not the only one.

When one feels like nothing makes any sense, that one is tired of playing the game of bullshits. When one sees the illusions in the eye and, smiles at them. One keeps himself away from those who push their buttons more than in any other season of the year. When, on the edge of depression, one it is not motivated at all even by those things one usually loves doing.

There is, nothing and no one that can cheer you up, the voice of inner critics goes higher and higher and than lower and lower each day because you are so tired of listening to it. It is that time of the year when one needs to collect all his forces for maybe something to blossom in the spring.

Even though the road seems never-ending and being in that low octave of your own essence one is aware of all the fakeness around, but it is just crawling, because it feels like it is not the right moment to take any actions as yet, it is not the right moment to face all the untruths that some try so hard to hide just like the head of the ostrich in the send.

It is winter time, it is that time of the year when it is freezing in and out. It is that time of the year that the white, covers all the darkness until the sun will start melting every single untold crumb, every dirt will come up from the unconscious to the consciousness. It is that time of the year when we put a smile in our face to ignore that kind of sadness that it is hard to shake.

It is that time of the year when snakes are hiding, powerless, trying to get some strength to show up in transformative poisonous healing again. I don’t know what is important, and I am mostly lost in my heart, holding tight, waiting for better times to come.

It is that time of the year I clearly do not like, even though it weakens egos, exactly what we don’t need. And yet, I can’t wait for summer to break free from the chains of the biting winter. ❤️❤️❤️

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