
Caught up in your dreams?!

Wonderful, it is better to have dreams than not to dream at all! It means, you are fueling yourself with amazing forces of opportunism, your heart is pumping blood and you are alive. The only questionable part it is if we have dreams that are coming from our egoistical needs to become “something”, or we have dreams that help us to speed up the process of growing and of allowing our-self to express its higher being, even better to be humble in its authenticity.

That’s something you must own, do you want to become better than anyone or you want to be of service, because being better than someone else it will help your ego grow bigger and you will probably lose yourself in doing so, but being of service is the ultimate goal, it is the actual understanding of what are you being called upon, it is the only thing that will give you true, unconditional, unquestionable, satisfaction. 

For about a few days, I was feeling not so good (according to my principles), probably the planets in the sky where and still are making those little changes and or JuJu’s that they usually do on us, thus, affecting our mood swings, even though we come to the realization very late or sometimes not at all.

Anyhow, I had no desire to do anything, to see anyone, (my introverted part) and I allowed myself to procrastinate, in almost all areas of my life, even though I don’t really like it, I enjoyed it, at least for a while, I consciously decided to let myself be.

However, after day 2, instead of feeling better which sometimes helps to change the perspective, I was feeling not as I assumed. I needed to gain some insight, and I asked for clarity and awareness. I then came to the realization that I was daydreaming, I was not living my life, and I was literally, pushed to do something (I love when I am pushed by my spirit guides), that helped me to feel better.

I felt the desire to do a Reiki session to someone I really care for. Even though I love Reiki, when I don’t feel like doing it I don’t want to mess up with another’s energy space, so in my point of view it is better to not give one, but on a spiritual level does not work that way. (I believe, I was called to do so). So to speak, after the Reiki session, I felt energized, I felt awesome, I felt inspired, I helped someone feel great for those minutes and there you go our energy shifted…

Do something good today for yourself and for others! We are all one, we only understand that after everything we do, usually after some time has passed, but both sides were illuminated. Every time you pour your heart in doing good, something even better will come your way. I thought I was lost just to uncover that I found myself again in my lovely journey.

Another small thing but with pure heart intention you can do today and every day you feel like doing it, and that is: Whenever you are going at work, at school or just for a simple walk, smile at and bless everyone that is going to be in front of you, whoever you will meet today. (You don’t have to speak at each of them, just think it). Do it wholeheartedly, small little things, lead in big changes, and I really love this one, I do not only feel great, but I can also sense that the other feels that kindness that it is inside every one of us, that kindness, we just have to rekindle it! Love you with all of my heart! Blessings for you all! ❤️❤️❤️

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