Unconditional love!

When the spirit cries for the truth he is going to be challenged so he understands unconditional love! 

We go out in the world with the idea of learning and filling out our voids. We meet people and each one of them it is e step stone that will bring us closer to our-self. We take into consideration only what we want to see and what is good for us, but we deny everything the other it is going through, because we see each other as separate, very separate individuals, we see and hear only what we want, we are not really open to understanding, because we are so stuck in our ways of doing and thinking.

We make plans and we are ready to step in each one who dares to not realize our reality. When we feel sadness or anger we actually project that into the world and we want everyone around us to change and to realize what we see as truth, we are so blind, yet we see that the other is wrong and there is something crazy about the world. I mean how they can’t seem to learn how wonderful I am and how they don’t understand how sick they are?! We go out there and try to change their point of view and we judge, you are good, you are bad.

When we actually start looking inside, we tap into our consciousness and we learn how to accept that both those parts exist in each one of us, and by that, we will see that we are not as separate, we are one, we are all united. Every cause is a breakthrough, a purpose of the light, each one of us it is talented in the way they exist.

When we don’t try to impose ourself we figure out the real purpose of interacting and all the intentions that lie within. When we face our inner demons we tune our-self to this collective consciousness and we really know that not everything it is all about us. When we don’t live our-self, we live in chains and we attract those who live in the same vibrations, and when we suffer we understand all parts of the other and we know that whatever we are causing to someone else it is because we are firstly causing it to ourselves. The truth is we just need to accommodate others Be just as they are, through being understanding and through being loving, unconditionally.

We love people for who they are only when we do some soul searching, and when all the challenges are not about being punished, but about being challenged to be authentic in all our ways. How we do that?! Through acceptance, acceptance of our-self, through being truthful with our own self, we commit to living in truth, and then we can apply that compassion and acceptance for each one that is coexisting in the same journey.

There is always light and there is always dark, when we allow those sides of our-self merge within, we are able to stay neutral, stable, so we allow others to be present on their own right. When we think out of the box and 3D paradigms we became one within and outside of us. We love ourself despite the good and the bad, and then we love others besides their good and bad and ugly. We are not perfect and that’s alright!

When we are causing damage to our-self or to others it is a red light, it is a map that it is showing us the direction, to deal with it and not to keep on causing it everywhere we go. 
We learn that even the greatest pain turns into the most powerful love. Because it is easy to love people when they treat you nicely, but the true way of understanding unconditional love it is loving someone despite their conditions, despite their concerns, despite their addictions and or limitations. When we love our-self we can love the other even if they do not reciprocate it, not because we are naive or stupid or we luck boundaries but because we know the power of unconditional love.

We will only be fully able to be nice and kind with others when willingly we will accept our inner turmoils, we will then be peace and we will learn how to love freely.
How teachable we are, through the morning we follow the divine direction.  So much love! ❤️❤️❤️

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