When the 3D reality falls down!

When the 3D reality falls down, everything seems lost, it feels like there is no way out… Have you ever been in a situation then the more you want something the more that goes away, because you are putting way more energy than you should, you feel wasted, when all you need to do is to focus within and to ask yourself why are you being obsessed with that thing in the first place.

I know it seems hard (from our physical perspective, 3D) and I know that we persist just to get to the point of our desired result, when for example we want more abundance and to create more stability around us, guess what?! – No stability, no wellbeing will be there for you, at least not enough, or not as much as you would want to. Hold on, there is a point in all this!

About this whole idea of obsession, few say it is the law of attraction and I agree to some point because we are nothing but energy, we are creators of our own reality, but when we are continuously not getting what we think we must have, it is more of an ego game to make us feel sick and insecure or not worth having it. Isn’t it?!

It feels like we have got to struggle more and we have got to work harder so we actually reach that goal, we have got to push further and we realize that we are not even close to attaining it. At this particular point, all the 3D expectations are going to fall down when you are going to be forced to seek for the truth, within, because you have been looking outside of yourself all this time to get fulfilled. And you were living in falls paradigms, and you thought that this is the only way.

Things will no longer make any sense, all the truths you thought you knew where just illusions,  big traps of your own imagination. You are going to throw away all “by the book” perceptions, they will not work anymore, and you will feel desperate and you will think you are dying inside, nothing will ever make sense anymore, nothing can be turned back, because you are going to understand that whatever made you happy and brought some joy in you, is serving you no more.

You will be faced with this death of this reality so you will understand what is more important for your soul, even though your ego will try to make things work
in the same old ways and will try to control whatever it can, you will try to make things work through stress or struggle, just to get them together again. You, will still not be happy, you will just put your spiritual development on hold out of fear of losing your identity, the only thing you have been working so hard creating it. I mean that scares the shit out of you, in the beginning, and you try to hold on to a dead end road, to a broken tree, to things that are not worth being in your life, to literally ghosts, at this moment you can either be in depression because you can not relate anymore with people, dreams, life you thought you knew, places, all will be shut down, and you will be left like a fish without water trying to survive.

On the other side you are going to ask for guidance from your spirit guides, you are going to ask for help, not from this world for sure, you are going to ask for the truth, you are going to learn why you are in this state of being, even though you thought you have everything you ever wanted and still seems like you have achieved absolutely nothing.

You are going to learn why you are feeling so stuck even though you are living the life you have designed in your book list so damn carefully. You are going to face all your baggage, all your crap to go at the heart of the matter and I know it is frightening but it is the only way to get where you are supposed to go.

At times you will be with others and will feel lonelier than ever before, you will feel like you don’t belong, you can’t relate with them , you are in totally different frequencies, you can’t stand any untruth, manipulation, being controlled, being told what to do, you can’t even stand your ego for standing in the way of what you need to know.

Thus, you might at times be so angry because you are seeing the illusion in the eye and you are hating it so much, you had so many dreams and they now do freaking have no value, you will learn that this world is a big lie and you still have got to get going because you have a purpose to fulfill, yet you want to go home, you just are not sure where home is at this point, at the same time you are not even near to your purpose as yet…

Am I ready to deal with the 3D, is one of my feet in the fourth dimension or am I going directly to the fifth one?! In the state of being without acting because you don’t know what to act upon, because deep down you know there is a new path to discover, but you feel you are somewhere in between worlds…

Until then, hopefully soon to be, anchour to your heart and wait for the ship to show you how to accept the real reality, the one you never thought would exist. In standstill cocreate in nothingness, from nothingness we come to nothingness we are going… XoXo ❤️❤️❤️

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