Hermit mode time!

It is mercury retrograde for about 3 weeks, we also have pre and post shadow periods, but it is all good! All we need to know it is that during this time we are reviewing, revisiting, rethinking the Past, we are in a standstill and even if we try to push forward and we think we have all the puzzle together, do not fret, because our vision it is blurred. So hold on tight, get some rest, literally rest your mind, your body, get some more extra sleep, go on a vacation, don’t engage in any kind of arguments and fights, just be, like a hermit.

The past will be surfaced, in different ways, places you have been before, friends you haven’t meet in so long, passions that are going to be rekindled, lovers, exes… Few things will disappear from you, you might lose yourself in analyzing and you will definitely be more nostalgic. It is a good and not so good time, but we need a reboot, so don’t take it seriously, take it as lightly as you can 😊. There might be few fears or things you thought you have been resolved a long time ago that you need to face again, it is totally ok. I actually recommend that if you allow that fear, regret or whatever you are going through right now let it be with you for a while, if you miss someone, don’t try to deny it, because when we deny it, it actually goes away for a bit and then it becomes bigger and it explodes until you don’t know what to do with it anymore. What we resist, persists.

Thus, just accept it, it is definitely telling you something you need to know, you don’t have to act upon it, just get the message, try to understand what it is trying to tell you, trust me you will be illuminated by it and the feelings will dissipate to some extent, or you will learn a lesson and you want to go and repeat it over and over again. Listen to what it has to say!

It is time to step back and to just relax, it is also time to take care of our-self, to go for a walk, massage, reiki, therapy of any kind. I know you have to work, because life is busy and I know you think I am crazy or that everything is fine in my life, and I have no shit to deal with, I also have time to relax, (it is not the case, I am as affected by this like everyone around 😊), but try to understand something, if you don’t relax and take it as it is at this time, Universe will take care of it, (you might get flu, misunderstandings will happen, delays, closing chapters you should not, signing papers you better not, buying things that will probably have issues later on…), because you are trying to move forward when it is not the right time, so you are standing in front of your own progress at your own risk. During this time when we say to someone bless you, they think that we said to them f… you! You, get me?!

Therefore, I only suggest you go and enjoy the hermit mode, and you will feel renewed or at least you will have more clarity when mercury goes in motion again. So much love ❤️❤️❤️

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