I don’t have any problem with “ego”, unless…

I always mention ego and it sounds like ego must not exist at all, indeed, I really want her to be dissolved, because, in my opinion, it is creating more illusions and separation between us and our heart.

In reality, I don’t have any problem with ego, ego it is our identity, distinguished qualities that make us unique. All I really want, her shadows must die in order for us to live in higher levels of our consciousness.

Due to that reason, our soul has to take the reins because what usually ego does, (in her lower ways of fitting in), it  gets the information and it takes things personally, ego creates drama out of peace, ego confuses love with lust, ego confuses lessons with pain and revenge, ego has trust issues, ego uses the past to excuse her present self, ego uses defensive mechanisms to protect herself from perceived enemies, ego controls and manipulation to get its way, when ego it is totally disconnected from its higher expression, it translates things, feelings and emotions from her lower desires.

That’s why ego should be worked on, be shaped by the source, by our higher self, so we don’t exist in chaos, negativity, instead we will be drawn to help humanity and to be true in our heart, to be in peace and love, because we are going to live from our higher expression, we are going to live according to divine plans. No matter how hard ego tries to make things work, if it is not destined, it won’t happen. Ego has to understand her limitations, the ego dies, spirit does not. Period. Ego, It is going to be close to creating copies, a fake painting perhaps, but never divine.

Just like Diamonds, ego it is raw and ugly, in its primary stages. Diamonds, even though they are very valuable, they are the hardest substance known, but they need to be perfectly polished and cut so we enjoy their beauty and their shine. So does ego, needs heartbeat and soul contact to behave in its best version! Love ❤️❤️❤️

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