Road to authenticity!

When you will be able to stand naked in front of the mirror and accept all you are, you are setting yourself up for a great ride. Your happiness it is not connected with others, they will usually try to pull you in and to fit their programming, since yours it is higher than theirs and they can’t handle that level of consciousness, they will say you are insane and yes you are but you are the lucky one, because  you know things they do not know yet…, and you have that peace inside you that it is far from theirs. Yes, you are deeply crazy and you have to be grateful for that! 

You live according to your truth, you honor yourself and you live a life with integrity. You help but you don’t please anyone no more, except for yourself. You respect others opinions and differences and you don’t feel attacked when they vibrate different from you, even if they do. You care for yourself and you are responsible only for you, no one is your extension and you are no one’s extension. You are free and unique even when you are in your madness. You don’t have to love everyone, you don’t have to be loved by others, you ask for an opinion if you would like but you have to trust and to rely only upon your gut feelings, no one can know better than your soul what is good for you. What you think about yourself it is way more important that what thousand of masters will think about you, you stand in your power.

The more you honor yourself, the more you will notice, that you won’t resonate with people around you, including your family, your best friends and so on, and you will probably isolate yourself for some time from them until you adjust into this new shift in your consciousness, you will then be surrounded by either those who have similar vibration or you will enjoy your company even with others while you still will remain centered in your self. No matter what happens around you, or who you are with when you are anchored in your deepest part of your higher self, nothing can shake that.

Whenever you have doubts, you feel ignored or disrespected, or you are feeling down, (this will happen less and less) instead of blaming someone else, you will retreat in your room and will love yourself wholeheartedly from the beginning. At times you will be judged and others might say you are arrogant, it is alright, honor their opinion and you keep on dwelling into your blissful empowerment, into universal silence. At times your presence will not be noticed at all, people might step on your feet because they can’t see you because they can’t see someone that is not in their vibration.

There is, confidence and strength, there is uncompromising beauty in being authentic, there is a magnetic personality that no one can resist. There is only grace within and outside of you because you have overcome the dirt and your heart it is feeling complete and it is now seeing crystal clear. ❤️❤️❤️

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