Interdependence versus Independence!

Many of us have mastered being independent and free, have learned how to be alone, to be self-sufficient, have worked on their masculine energy, they are logical and analytical, they know how to survive in a physical world. When I say masculine energy, please do not get caught up in the gender, both yin and yang are inside us, and we usually are attracted to what is missing within or what needs to be activated, that part that is in a sleep mode. For that reason, at times we become obsessed or we love to enjoy the company of some people more, over the others.

They know how to interact with others and connect with them in so many levels, they are charming, go-getters, daredevil, they easily accept almost every challenge that life throws at them, and they usually thrive.

Ironically, those same individuals, have difficulties with cooperating, with interdependence, they know how to do things on their terms, but they are not considerate of other peoples needs, desires, and ideas, also they do not tend to have equally based relationships. They are very self-absorbed.

For some reasons, their heart chakra it is closed off, they think they can connect very easily with everyone, truth is they do, it is just they do it on a superficial level.

Whenever things get tough, those are the first ones who abandon the boat, especially whenever their emotional state it is being challenged, they instinctively look for the exit door. They are the ones who can raise their hands to go to the Moon, yet… they are so flicky and they skip from dealing with their own self at all costs. They have learned how to thrive through manipulation and control techniques for many many lifetimes, but they haven’t conquered themselves.

We reach for the stars and we look to find God everywhere, we look to get fulfilled by others and we get dissatisfied when they fail to do so, but we forget that we are the only ones that can satisfy our inner core.

As per interdependence, it is awesome, it is amazing, we all should learn how to live in a material world and to have common sense and to reach whatever we want to reach, yet to much independence it is keeping us away from the real deal, yet to much dependence it is creating drama and unhappiness all around us.  

Thus, we have to learn how to appreciate our time alone without feeling lonely, we have to create our own happiness, we have to enjoy every single moment as it is, through appreciating and discovering life. At the same time, we have to understand that it is alright to be with others, to have these interdependent relationships, to not feel threatened by losing our independence, our freedom, they are both inside us, no one has the power to give it or to take it away from you, except for you.

It is totally fine to exist and to coexist, when we are not afraid of losing our-self in someone else, or feeling powerless, that’s it the lesson is learned and we will attract those who do not challenge this aspect of ourself we are so afraid of, or even better we will improve our current relationships.

When we realize that being open and real with others it is actually under our control, we will not feel threatened by those that are trying to be open and real with us. We will then realize that we do not have to run when things don’t go according to our plans, because we have will power, we can choose to stay in the situation or we can choose to leave with integrity, running away does not fix things, when we run, we run from our-self, even though we think that the other it is creating such feelings inside us, nope, no one has the power to create any discomfort, comfort, pain or love within you if you do not allow it.

On the other side, when our identity it is being provoked, and our fears are stirred up it does not mean we will be in that state forever, it is just a temporary place to be, it is a gift to work things through and there you go one less layer of irrational behavior.

Being alone or avoiding real connections and conversations, keeping yourself safe from being hurt, it is a ticket to get hurt, someday, somehow, life has this trick of disempowering you when you are not trusting in yourself, because for how long are you going to fake it?! For how long are you going to disappear?! For how long are you going to run, from what and from whom are you running from?! Own your personal power, open your heart, and that’s freedom, only then you can be alone and with others with the same degree of ease. ❤️❤️❤️

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