Are you a Giver or a Receiver?!

Most of us swing in between these two lines, we either are givers and we have a hard time receiving, or we are just receivers and we give nothing in return.  

Balancing it out is the golden ground, but since who knows for how long we have been playing this role, it is difficult for us to see it from another perspective, that’s why we are usually challenged in our relationships and in all sorts of situations so we experience the wholeness and we become open if we are to close off, or we help our-self to be more receptive when we are to giving.

We usually connect giving with something tangible, I give you service, you give me material stuff in return, although here I am referring mostly to how much we are able to truly give from the heart and to not look for any reward.

Givers are gifted people, they have a big heart, usually they suffer more than others, because they are drained at times from giving and for not being able to receive, because they feel they are not worthed of, they think they are God/ Goddess, they are powerful and they don’t need anything from others (even divine wants you to pray and be grateful at times, so you get something in return, isn’t it). These people should gain some clarity and understanding that they have all the right to receive, love, gifts, everything that life has to offer.

As per receivers, it comes so naturally to those individuals to receive, so easy, it is wonderful, at the same time, when you don’t feed them a snack they ask what did I get from this?! They know they are deserving of things and they want to get things they can physically touch. If they can not seem to get those, then they will look for other things such as, being recognized, accepted, appreciated, cared for etc. And when they are not granted with either, they will go to the lengths of asking everything that they have done for you to be returned back…😊 if possible! I love them for being assertive, though!

That’s why we are thrown away from our own self-doing, from our inner child, as a result, we experience shame, regrets, we blame, we are not in alignment, we hate and so on.

Again, those are extremes and they are needed to be transcended and released once and for all, those are coming from imbalances, from to much or to little self-worth, do you see where I am getting with this.

I am a giver, I have always been one, (working on receiving), it has and still is to some degree impossible for me to just receive, sometimes I go up to tit for tat behavior, then I go back to my old reaction, it is better if I give more, it makes me feel great. This is selfish-altruism lol because I feel better when I give and I don’t like to be in “debt” with anything or anybody. Hence we are energy, when we give we have to receive, this is how material world works, karma remember!

Heart versus brain at play, when those two actually are in tune, giving and receiving will be more in a balanced way, it will not be forced or pushed, it will just flow in the right direction.

At times we give when we are not asked for it, we lose our energy, we give to those who are not receptive, lost of energy, we give and we are left depleted because we have nothing what to give anymore…, we need to recharge.

On the other hand, when we just receive, we either are pretty damaged inside or we are blocked so we are not receptive of what is being given, due to that we get but we are not fully capable of accepting it, so it goes unnoticed from them, waisted from the other part.

Life has a funny way when we are functioning from either – or, kind of mentality, therefore dissatisfaction, emptiness, depression, never quite happy, there is always something missing…

Yes, there is, you have to be open to playing both roles, not as playing without feeling it, but bringing it from your unconsciousness to the consciousness and putting it to light, feed both those parts within and let them both be equally accessible. 

One mantra that helps: “I am open to give and to receive love at all times”

One stone you can use, a stone I love the most: Rose Quartz, it will help you heal the past and have faith in the future, it will grant you unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, self-love and then love for everyone that comes into your experience.   …because I love you! ❤️❤️❤️

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