When we have to move on!

Have you ever felt stuck in your everyday life, like something was sucking the life out of you and you just couldn’t put the finger on it?

Deep down you knew that something has changed within, something has been shifted. Although your mind feels chained, your heart it is singing in fullness, it is totally in freedom. You just have to leave something/someone behind, perhaps your old ways of doing?!

You know what is funny at times, we grow in different wavelengths and when one moves out from others life it means we do not resonate anymore with each other, we have other contracts, people and or places, situations to be in or with.

This does not mean we do not love the ones  we have to leave behind, or they don’t love us, we do, but this is how much they want to grow at this moment, and we don’t have to drag one another down, we can still catch up again or not, who knows, we can’t figure out what will happen in the next minute, never mind after few years.

Life is a playground and we are ever-changing, there is not such “I am like this”, rigid mentality and you either accept me or not, we are work in progress…

Let go with love and seek for love, let everything crumbles and reinvent yourself from the beginning all over, it will hurt a bit at first, but you will soon adjust to new more rewarding heights. 

Let’s say your partner is living in 3D dimensional, he is so concerned with the physical world, collecting possessions, and is not looking for any spiritual growth, (love is for romantic, unrealistic people lol), he is safe and comfortable where he is right now, but you have done a little bit more work, and you are living in the 4th or 5th dimension.

You guys are going to challenge one another, there is going to be misunderstandings and frictions, or not resonating with them at all, because your energy simply does not match, that’s why we have to move on, because they will try to keep us in their frequency, and we want to go, we are attracted to the same levels, it is what it is. We are being called in another direction…

I know it is hard when you are with someone who you thought you are going to have them for a long time, they were part of your plans all along, but life happens to show you otherwise.

We move in scales of spiritual evolution, that’s the beauty and the trick of life, because all of us are living the same reality with totally different approach, in the spiritual world we stay and we are integrated only with those who are at the same wave of understanding, no challenges, just peace, hence soul tribes, soul mates, but we don’t meet them all here, for that reason we will get to know all kinds of spirits from different soul groups, to share knowledge,talents, uniqueness. (Lovely 😊)!

When we understand all this “spiritual hierarchy” we save our-self from unnecessary headaches,  instead, we move forward with grace and we hope they will do great, probably we will meet again at a later time when they will be ready. We don’t know everything, we can not predict life, we do not have all the answers, no matter how much we try, and that is awesome! 

Besides, they say after we collect all the information from this material reality, there are other dimensions to explore, Universe is infinite, we are eternal! So, I am moving on, for now, maybe you will catch me later! Nothing but love! ❤️❤️❤️

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