Spiritual awakening!

I was doing a Reiki session today for someone I care, during that time I was having some interfering energies. A friend of mine wanted to talk to me, thus I allowed that for a few seconds, and then I focused back to the session. You know when you are intuitive and you sense when someone needs you, that type of alignment. I was thinking, later on, I will meditate and I will understand what was this message about.

However, I did not have any time to do so, I have got a call from my friend and he wanted to see me, he was in a hospital and he was not feeling well. I went there immediately, he saw me and he started crying, I hugged him and I said whatever is going on you will be fine! He asked me- “I don’t know what is happening to me, I think I am losing my mind, nobody understands me, I don’t like anything, I don’t wanna see and meet my friends, I barely eat and cannot sleep properly….”

I smiled, he looked at me straight in the eye, he thought I was making fun with him. Truth is, I was not! He said is there anything wrong with me? I replied, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you, you are actually to be congratulated for what you undergoing! He was shocked, and he said what are you talking about?!

I said welcome to my world! You are experiencing what is called spiritual awakening! You will adjust to this new “You” sooner or later. As you may know, 85% of the population lives in a sleep mode, only the rest is awake and more are going to become, hopefully! As weird as it seems, he said what the hell is that it does not feel good at all! Lol 😂.

It is actually nothing, you are going to see the world from a different perspective, you are going to recognize fakeness in yourself and others, you are going to understand that you have been in lies and illusions all along, you are going to understand why and how things are happening all around you, you are going to be an observer in every crowd, you are going to be self-aware 24/7, your ego it is going to dissolve, your layers of emotions are going to be peeled one by one, you will see that what used to make you happy it will not anymore. You will not have so much of a choice to choose between a glass of wine, orange juice or fresh water, your body will decide as you can’t tolerate toxins any longer. (Toxic people as well).

You will not engage in meaningless situations and conversations, because you will not get any satisfaction out of it. You will not care as much for your look or that of others, you will just close your eyes and you will be guided by your emotions. You will only engage with others higher -self, rather than their identity, you will actually be thrilled by the voice of their spirit, you will love only deep chatter and you would rather lie on the grass by yourself than participate in a loud crowd. You will definitely channel your energy in creative pursuits, than wasting time in things that bring you down or overindulging.

You will know that money, possessions, casual relationships, ego battles are not what is worth living for. You will be less competitive and more simple, you will not fight to get anything because you will understand that you are here for a purpose and there is enough for everyone. You will be less calculative and you will be open to nothing but what is raw and authentic.

You will realize that only love can bring peace and harmony everywhere you go, and you will also see how much that is missing in the world! You will finally know that people that are suffering are having that life because they have chosen to clear some karma, not because they deserve it. 

IYou will understand that you will not give a damn pleasing and being recognized or appreciated by others, because you will give that to yourself. You will choose comfortable shoes, instead of fancy ones that hurt your feet.  

You will be inside of your body and you will know it…

You will only focus on how you feel, rather than what you hear or what you think, and you will think less by the way. Life will not be wonderful, but you will be living in simplicity and that will bring you in a state of abundance and wellbeing you could have never imagined exists!

… then… I woke up! It was a lucid dream, so vivid, and I thought is it me that would love the world to wake up, or is it that tiny crumb of my ego left, that would like my friend to wake up, so he can be part of my journey?! A little bit of both, perhaps?! Love you! ❤️❤️❤️

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