Shedding light…

Lack of love and fear of death give rise to all the suffering in this world!

Every addiction or mental illness is generated by both, in the first stages of depression, fear of death lingers in the mind of the person who is going through that state until it gets cured.

Narcissistic personality, empathy, sex addiction, love addiction, love avoidance, fear of abandonment, cancer, stress, anxiety, all kinds of fears and phobias, usage of drugs, alcoholism, cigarettes, all of them and more, unfortunately are coming from the same source, fear of death and lack of love.

The first one even though it does not exist, except for at a physical level, but not in the astral level, yet we still fear it! As per the second one, it is missing, it is misunderstood, it is not easily accepted, it is not perceived properly. When we go underneath those two everything will make sense like never before. Just look around and observe human behavior and their choices, it is all correlated.

Did you know that people who suffer from cancer, hold some of the negativity of society within?! Did you know that empaths engage with narcissists, they beat up the pain and suffer just to distract those individuals to go and hurt other human beings, or by stopping them from any other wrong-doing?!

Did you know that some of us give love to people that don’t love us back because we are able to love even those who are a cast for society?! Did you know that so many of us have chosen a difficult path with our strength to show the world that there is always hope, to show the world that they are not alone?!

Did you know that some of us are just an experiment in this material world, just to be a solution for the next generation?! Did you know that we are all connected, and there is always a higher reason why we are who we are and why we do what we do?!

Did you know that love is a doorway to heaven and we are here to experience it without fear?!

For that reason love it is not connected with a particular appearance, it is not outside of you, it is not given nor taken, it is only accepted, it exists eternally just like your spirit. Love never dies, it never transforms, people come and go but love remains, it is not created, forced or it fizzles out if it does it is not pure, and you will understand it.

Whenever it does not feel free than it is an indication that you are going far away from love, and the more disconnected you are by it, the more separated from the divine (your inner self) you are, as simple as that.

Love is not connected with a face, body and or personality, love does not abandon, it is not scary, it does not hurt, it is only open and it heals, love is inside of you, you will only enjoy it when you will stop looking to be loved from outsiders.

Love yourself and you won’t be missing on the opportunity to create the best relationship you will ever have, with yourself. Love yourself, everything else will follow, no fears, no suffering, no more being disconnected from your spirit, everything will be in alignment with love, and even when your body dies, let it die with love 😊.

When you love yourself, truth is everyone will love you, even though you will not need to look and to find that in other peoples eyes.

I wish love to overflow and to overcome the darkness, l only wish love to shine brighter, I wish love to rule the world! Love yourself, as I already love you! ❤️❤️❤️

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