
It is especially difficult to say yes to life and to be open to receive, since in this fast-paced reality we are so concerned with how much we can do, we have to compete and become better than…especially for man it is way harder, due to the societal pressure, considering that their worth it is all measured by their actions, by their achievements, with how much do they earn and so on.

Due to that, we have got to work harder than ever before, just to stand out from the crowd. Yet… we do not realize that we stand in our way with our thinking, because we don’t need to prove anything to everyone, we are all uniquely important, we just have to understand that there is no time for comparison and that there is no one better or worst than anyone else. 

We are so afraid to surrender because we think if we do, the world will bite us and we will not survive. Therefore, we are so self-involved and we criticize our-self even for things we did not do, or for things that are not in our hands, we still try to be strong enough, to keep on going and enduring. The hard way, the best way! 

Furthermore, we feel depreciated sooner or later because we are trying to get the world’s problems in our shoulders, we are always busy, there are millions of thoughts fighting in our mind full speed, as a result, we are so afraid to let go as we will never live again, we have only “one life” and we have got to rush to get the best out of it, we have been convincing our-self every time we incarnated, still we do the same, birth, school, marriage, career, children, work, some fun here and there and die. That’s all!  

On the other hand, we haven’t learned how to surrender, and those who do, they have learned the lesson when it does not really matter anymore, because those who surrender, they find peace, they know when to stop and stand still, and when to take actions. Actually, they don’t go and chase life, life comes at them, easily.

They also know that there is something higher than us that determines our path, that guides us through, and it is for our highest good, it is way better than what we have planned for our-self.

If we don’t surrender, we will live a life with decisions that are taking us away from our true potential, because when we don’t surrender we think we got to dominate the outcome so we don’t make any mistake, or we will choose the best for our-self, because we are so afraid of being hurt and every time we thought we have made the right choice, we have the upper hand, we have been so disappointed, again, we did not surrender, we were going after…

We did not listen to our intuition when we had in front of our eyes everything we were looking for all this time, we were so guarded and we missed the opportunity, because we don’t appoint to live with joy, we choose to be right and being right never fulfills us. 

Only because we don’t know how to surrender, it frightens us so badly, that which indeed will liberate us, from our own strings, from our own confinement, from our need to be in charge and we keep on missing life over and over!  

In surrender universe deliberates to you only that which is sound, and that which you were deeply looking for, but you have got to say out loud, I surrender, mean it, and allow your emotional body be expressed, exists without tension, release your mind from unnecessary circles of overwhelming overthinking, allow your spirit to step in and only then you will live the life you deserve to live, and you will single out what is right, what is best for you!

Step back, put your guard down and surrender, there is magic out there! Mantra: I surrender all my fears and worries to the Universe, those are not mine anyway! I surrender to unconditional love! I surrender, because I know I am safe and protected at all times! 
A stone that helps. You can carry a beautiful purple Amethyst, it will help you open your intuition, see clearly, and restore your faith in the divine! Love yourself! ❤️❤️❤️

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