Aries Rising!

“The high flier”

This is for fun, take what resonates, and leave what does not, those are my insights. Enjoy it!

There are four important angles in everybody’s birth chart which are: Sun sign (predicted by the month we are born, indicating how we should become, learning to be that sign), Rising sign (calculated by the exact time we are born, shows how we react and behave in our immediate surroundings, can be stronger than sun sign at times, depending on which sign it is placed) and it is our soul blueprint, South node (which is all about the past what we have already mastered, what talents we bring in this lifetime, and what we have to leave behind), North node (where we are headed to in this lifetime, what we have to learn or redo, to reach our destiny).

We are going to start with: Aries rising!

Aries rising, as I mentioned It is different from the sun, Aries sun is actually learning how to become like those traits that Aries rising already has. Still, your work is with yourself!

Those born under this rising sign are bold, funny, witty, assertive, bluntly honest, blazers of their own trail, they have lots of energy, they come off as very bossy, courageous, take on more responsibility than they can really accomplish, very fiery and passionate.

These individuals are joyful, there is so much to learn and to explore for them, they get bored very easily.

They are ruled by planet Mars that’s why they can not stay in a place, job, relationship or situation for long periods, they need excitement, otherwise you will see their other face since Mars is the planet of war and passion, this planet defines how we go and get things in life.

Your motto is: I want it, I get it!

They are adventurous, they are leaving behind an old cycle, which is Pisces, this time around it is a new fresh start, so there is not much of karma to work out, as a result, might be an easy and funny ride for Aries rising.

You can have so many relationships and might have problems until you find the right one, but when you love, you love with all your heart and when you are done, the same thing applies.

You are a leader and self-starter, you come along from very selfish to very giving. You love to be left alone, still, you love to be sociable.

Balance of the Aries and Libra axis!

Aries it is the sign of self, they either are to self-centered or they are to wishy-washy, because they have Libra as a descendant in the 7th house (house of partnerships), they might be indecisive and they need someone to show them the way, but one thing it is for sure they will work on their self through partnerships of all kinds and they will become more independent and confident as they age.

They usually have a dark complexion, or dark eyes, dark eyebrows, and their presence it is felt whenever they go. They are cheerful and are fun to be around as they are open to learn and experiment. Aries rising best friends or enemies will be Aries Sun.

On the other side, Aries north node will be especially very important for Aries Rising people, as they will be drawn to one another very easily and the bond in most of the cases will be unbreakable.

My niece is an Aries rising, and I have my north node in Aries (that indicates where I am headed in this lifetime, living behind my south node, which is in the sign of Libra, my past), me and her love each other to pieces and we get along very well, even though she is pretty young I can sense her intellect and her potential. And there is something between us, unexplainable! As per that, I will have lots of influence in her life.

Red is their color, they are in their element when they wear it, so if you are a rising sign in Aries, choose red when you have something important, it will help you bring forth your best qualities. This works for Aries north node too, red is my favorite color, and I always carry something red with me 😊. 

Definitely, love yourself as you are the first sign of the zodiac, you got to start from creating you, before jumping into relationships with others.

Your hidden enemies, your secret lovers, and your past life spiritual links are those with Pisces Sun, Venus or Moon.

You will be attracted to Libra types or Venusian types (refinement, elegance, beauty, balance, sociable personalities), as well as, you should leave behind tendencies such as indecisiveness, codependency, over-dependence, to much focus on others approval. You are here to be bold!

Recommendation: use your energy wisely because you have to much and it can backfire your projects or things you want the most with your feisty nature. Other than that, have fun and a wonderful life journey!

Until next time with Taurus rising…

Love yourself! ❤️❤️❤️

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