Higher self and lower self!

I don’t aim to become an Empress, as I am already one, and if you can’t seem to realize it then you are not my Emperor! 

When we are acting out our lower self we are completely unaware. When we want to get something we ask our-self how and what do I do to get it, and we are able to do everything it takes, at times doing things without integrity, because there is only one price and that price is getting the thing/object/person, and it does not matter if we have to lie, betray, fool, behave selfishly, If we cause any damage, if we manipulate, we just have to get it. Period.

When we act out from our higher self, first of all, we do not need to get anything, because things come at us if things are for us, and we don’t have to do anything, because we don’t need things that we can not have and as a result that are not for us. Oh, release!

When we act from our higher self, we have been dissolving the list that our ego keeps preparing, we have been shaken up, we have no other choice but to be self-aware, some of us are like that from the very beginning, others become with time, as we all have to go through limitations before we recognize freedom.

At times those people,  speak the truth to their own detriment, because in a world when we have to get what we want through deceit and lies, you are out of your mind 😊.

Truth is, you are very close to the light, you are way closer to the source, you are getting closer for to not say you are already living in the highest levels of authenticity, you understand the dirt, you are not stupid, you have been there before, but you know that even before the dirt you were pure, and you are tired of playing around, you are ready to go back to the divine, but for you to go there (it is a state of being, not a distant travel) you need to let go what is not yours.

For you to go back to the purest state of consciousness, you have to put yourself in the most uncomfortable, unpure waters, there is going to be a mess and darkness and dust and brutality, and fear, it is going to be so damn ugly, because spirituality is a long life journey and you have to commit cleansing up yourself in order for you to start anew.

This is how it was when we started, we were honest, we had a heart of a child and we were crystal clear, but then we got poked from the devil and we followed, we were curious for what is in the other door and we forgot our starting point, our natural state. 

All is well, because we have grown, we have learned, at the same time,  road to innocence it is going to be challenging, but we will definitely make it, because we went on adventures and we finally realized where our real home is and we are going back there, no matter how far we seem to have been traveling, we will find our way back because we will be always guided from the Stars, Sun, Moon, the Rainbow, numbers, symbols, purple and golden light, we will be called to our heart and we will ascend, because only there we truly belong! 

If people tell you that you are “to spiritual”, smile at them and keep on going, you are like that for a reason, perhaps to show them what they are lacking. Love yourself! ❤️❤️❤️

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