When we cut/remove cords of attachments?!

We have karma that needs to be balanced and to be played out in each life we sign a contract when we reincarcerate. At times, we need to resolve karma so we do not repeat the same lessons, meeting the same obstacles, different faces. So to speak, when you become aware of your karma, it means this time around you want to get out of circles, of chasing your own tale, and you have got to do some energy cleaning.

When we interact with others, especially when we entangle in sexual situations, we exchange energy, even when we think they are just casual meaningless relations, truth is, they are not, we carry around other peoples energy and that’s the reason why at times, we just can not seem to move on, we have all sorts of strange feelings!

In order to “get rid” of that energy, we have to clean it up, and there are two ways, through cutting/removing cords of attachments, because there is always an invisible cord that connects us together especially with those we have been sexually involved, the longer we have been involved the thicker those cords become and the harder it is to get away from (not always). You also bring the same lesson and repeat it with another person, and the drama keeps on going.

There are many pieces of information out there about cords of attachments, should we cut or remove them in the first place?! It is all up to you, but few experts say do not and few say yes.

I believe, since we are a generation that would rather die than wait patiently for the right moment or person to engage with, we take hasty decisions and there are so many options, we meet lots of people, but we are never happy as a result, even though we keep on going, swiping left and right.

When we go on a date with someone, we don’t get to know only them, but their ex-partners (sexual partners, short or long term partners), due to that reason, we share energy and that energy needs to be released. It feels like instead of two people, there are 8 let’s say and you feel the heaviness.

In order for us to clean the energy, there is another way (best way), to be for a while by our-self, to restrain from dating and all forms of sexual interactions, getting to know our-self, so we do not overextend to those who drain us, instead we connect in equal energy exchange. Can you do it 😊?!

The fastest way is by cutting/removing cords of attachments! From my personal experience, it works when you learn how to let go with intention, and it does not work if the bond between two people it is stronger than us, because there are cords that can not be severed. 

Cord cutting/ removing, it is done through visualization, you can either do it by yourself, through putting all your intentions in the desired result, or you can go to someone who is a specialist in this field.

You can do it with all those people that you really want to let go, (one by one), and you can move forward easier, especially when you feel, they are not serving your life purpose anymore, or you just can’t stop thinking of them.

While there is good to remove our-self from few people, bare in mind this can not work for everyone we have a connection with, it works successfully in most of the cases, it does not work though if the connection it is very strong, I mean spiritually strong.

When it is a high spiritual connection and you try to cut/remove cords of attachments with that other individual, you will cause to yourself (probably to them too) lots of pain, you can cry for days up to weeks, you will feel lost or like something has been cut off from your body, like something it is deeply missing and you have amputated a part of your soul. You will numb your feelings towards them for a short period, but the connection it is not over, it is always going to be there, regardless!

It feels like grieving for someone who is still alive, and like you commit suicide. (you will at least learn how important they are in a hard way). With that being said, I do not suggest it, it is not always good to cut/remove cords of attachments, and I advice to better be patient and grateful for the lesson, rather than do it.

When cord cutting works, you will finally through forgiveness let those people go, they will disappear from your life and you will feel lighter, or in the other case, when it can not work, you will just create disbalance within your energy field, (until the energy goes back to normal), because some connections are way more important then we are able to understand! Try to stay clean and honest, karma will dissipate by itself, everything will be just fine! Love yourself! ❤️❤️❤️

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