Mercury retrograde in your birth chart!

In case your partner or someone close to you has Mercury retrograde in their natal chart!

Mercury is the planet of communication and technology, as well as of short distance traveling. This planet goes retrograde 3 to 4 times a year, and stays in retrograde motions for about 3 weeks, including 2 weeks pre-shadow and post-shadow periods, we all experience troublemaker mercury when it goes retrograde, but few of us have been born during this time, as a result, they have mercury retrograde in their birth chart and they perceive  information differently than the rest.

Let me go with examples: If you say to someone with natal Mercury retrograde: -I love you! (no hidden agenda)They will be like,- do you need anything?; You – how are you! Them- how can I help you?; You- I miss you Them- there is something wrong with you; You- I love you!; Them- what are your intentions?

You- I have not been feeling so good today, a person with mercury in its forward movement will ask you what happened, they will try to understand, end of the story. On the other side, a person will natal mercury retrograde  will panic, they will give you a hard time, criticizing you that you are not taking care of yourself, they will go and read information for how can they help you, they get it as if you are complaining to them, which you just have the right to state how you feel, but they seem to misunderstand that, because this is how mercury retrograde it is experienced.

They are slow at getting decisions as they need more time to process things, they are flooded with so much information such as they can’t seem to put things together, so they will refrain from talking. If these individuals take on a project, rest assured they are the ones who will absolutely succeed.

It is believed that these people might have had problems and they might have been spending more time than others to understand a subject in school, but they are usually very smart, (some might even suffer from mental disabilities, it depends on other positions in the chart), they are very meticulous, they triple check everything, they might be very good writers if they tap in their creativity!

It is also claimed that they have been keeping secrets in their past life, for information they had to share, due to that reason, this time around they are allowed to be brutally honest.

While we experience setbacks and we need to relax during mercury retrograde, for them it is the best period to accomplish things, extending themselves comes easier.

I know few people that have mercury retrograde in their natal chart, including my sister, she writes very good articles when she feels like, she worries, lots, she is so compassionate, she feels like others are not getting her at times, even though she tries, unless you are good with defining that she is special and has natal Mercury retrograde you will try to listen to her carefully, without judgment.

I have a friend, she comes off as bossy and cool, but she will ask you 3 times for the same thing until she really gets it, as she needs to translate the message in her own way, on her own pace, she is detail oriented (a strong point for these people), and she is a painter. (Talented, you see?!)

I also know someone, who will bring you coffee, or will order another one for you if you don’t like it, will show love in tangible ways, you just have to be aware as he is very caring, less explanation, more actions.

Did I mention they have a great sense of humor, it is like everyone has their feet in the ground and their head up, we see them as they are walking around with their head down and their feet up, this makes them unquestionably unique! Their ride is not the easiest in the early years of their life due to their inability to express themselves clearly, but with time they are the ones who communicate probably better than us and when they get out of the clouds they see the Sun! Stay in love!  ❤️❤️

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