Throat chakra!

Every physical ailment has spiritual meaning!
I have been having problems with my throat chakra for a few weeks now, my voice has been affected too, even though I pretty much take care of myself daily, as I practice meditation and reiki, even though I do journaling regularly, and all of them help in recovering of any sort, faster than usual.

Anyhow, I have had this blockage in my throat, I have been prone to that from childhood, because I have been shy, I used to think that I do not have that much of the “right” to speak up, also I don’t want to hurt other peoples feelings so I would rather keep it to myself (I still don’t want to hurt others feelings, but I have learned how to tell them the truth in a constructive way), and here I am now expressing myself freely.

I have mercury as my ruling planet in my birth chart, mercurian types due to so much information they have to chew, their analytical nature makes them open to any kind of problems related to the neck and throat, as well as  their nervous system, as they need to ground themselves, otherwise, they will experience this very often.

Throat chakra, it is our ability to communicate clearly and to accept our thoughts as they are, it is placed between third eye chakra (intuition) and heart chakra (love, relationships), so when you think about it, all it is linked and when the energy does not flow easily in one part it affects the other sides.

Throat chakra it is one of the higher chakras and it means being divinely connected. When you feel sick, you are being challenged to listen to your heart, as a result of your intuition, perhaps are feeling detached spiritually, and you need to re-tune. 

I do believe that when we have this lack of flowing it is showing us that we have been silent for a long time, that we haven’t spoken the truth, or someone important it is holding the truth back from you?!

I keep on saying to myself, ok, I will not focus here anymore and it will go, (law of attraction), I will write more, I will speak the truth more (ego pushing harder) lol, I am doing everything I can, I am also curing it naturally, honey, chamomile tea, apple cider vinegar, cinnamon, salt and water, warm drinks you name it, and this time has been lasting longer than normally.

I have also been praying, please guide me, what do I need to know, and bring my voice back to normal!

The good news is that my voice it is definitely going back to its natural state, and everything else it is unfolding, I also wished, if this is not mine, send it back to the sender, let them deal with their hidden secrets.

That is the most difficult part of being intuitive because you pick up energies very easily, you can also develop a condition from someone else, in this case, we need some shielding, yet I know how to claim my power back and to transmute what is not pure, what is not mine, whatsoever!

If you are having somehow overactive (when we can’t stop talking, revealing more information then we should, gossiping, lying) or closed (when we are to silent, secretive), throat chakra, check with your emotions, let go, write, pray, speak the truth, sing, carry a blue stone, I like Lapis Lazuli, but there are so many wonderful ones, wear blue, visualize blue colour and relax, your psychosomatic discomforts will definitely fade away.

Mantra: I speak the truth! I easily express my feelings and my opinions! My emotions are important! I easily express myself through communication, through creativity! I have the right to ask for what I need and want! Stay in love! ❤❤

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