My body is sacred!

When I used to be a little child, I would just go and play outdoors all day, and if it was not for my mom I would forget to eat my meals. That is a habit I still have, at times, I try to feed more my brain and my spirit, but I am also becoming aware that I am not only that, here and now, I have a body as well, one that If I don’t take care for, will collapse sooner that it is supposed to.

In my teen years, I started taking more care of myself though, such as my family would laugh at me pointing that I am going to live 100 years because I am to careful 😊! Honestly, I am grateful for the wellbeing, and I am proud that I have been looking after myself, I also keep on remind myself daily to get going, because that is when self-love really starts.

Nowadays we think, we treat our self nicely, most of us go to the gym, we do manicure and pedicure, we go to the dentist, we go to all wellness places, but do we really treat our body with respect, alcohol, cigarettes, pregnancy pills, wrong dieting… I am not sure, how many chemicals and substances are collected in our body?!

My point is, do we have a healthy lifestyle, because if we get tired from over-working, and not eating properly, we will feel frustrated, when we are frustrated, we become ill-tempered, as a result, we are usually depressed and sad, all this it is showing us to stop, rest and breathe.

I mean, yes, we do our nails and we go to the hairdressers, we have muscles, but those are not substitute for nutrition, those are not proteins, vitamins, carbs, those help us feel good and beautiful for 3 seconds, what happens in our body it is long lasting.

How much do we know our body? Unfortunately, most of us don’t even know what blood type they are, and learning that not only gives you understanding for your bodies needs but gives you information for your personality at the same time.

I am an A+ blood type, and I know that carbs are not a big deal for me as my body can digest them easily, veggies and fruits are a must and I love having all of the above, meat is heavy for everyone, especially for those with this blood type, and that’s why I have been avoiding it for the most part of my life. Due to that, we have to fuel our body with the right supplements. There are thousands of books and information about your blood type, there are so many nutrients, but do we go there, hell no, we will go shopping and do our nails instead.

Even Buddha, before reaching the state of Nirvana and enlightenment tried different ‘tools’, he fasted for a while, until he could not resist and then he said, I need to eat and to have a healthy body, so I can reach that level of consciousness, because after all, we are spirits, having an earthly experience in a human body!

Our body is very important, like Osho (Indian guru, one of my favorites), claimed: “My body is my temple”.

Since it is easy to be a spirit, because, despite the body, spirit knows what is truth and what is not, spirit has no ego, no desires, not even needs, spirit does not die if you don’t take care, even if your body dies, spirit leaves the house before experiencing death as a process, because spirit is pure and no one nor nothing can do anything to it, except for the creator.

Every experience and episode happens in our minds and in our body, therefore to reach that level of comfort and purity, we must start from our body, we must take care of our physical body, minerals, proteins, carbs, emotional responses, how we use our mind, how we abuse our body, because spirit stays at sleep in a body that has no awareness, and spirit backs up when human mind takes its rains, spirit has divine wisdom and waits patiently for the body to take care of itself first, only from there spirit leads the way. (Spirit gives you clue if you are able to listen).

Many of us have no idea about this vessel, many of us do not know that secret just yet, and we act, talk, behave as a frozen body, we have cravings and needs, and become aggressive when they are not being met.
We have lustful desires, we are addicted and, or we are to rigid, because when we don’t know our body and it’s intelligence, when we have no clue how this wonderful mechanism works, that has to be nurtured and kept active, that needs to be explored and that should be released from all sexual and instinctual tensions, our outlook, drastically changes!

The best part is that when we relax our body, our mind will follow and our inner self will speak up, then we will be in touch with all parts like a puzzle that needs to be resolved, then we will not live out of fear or in restrictions, we will not be slave of our own desires.
We won’t be challenged when we are presented with new things, we will not control our desires but we will not be controlled by them either.

Therefore, you have got to know your body, every inch of it, feed it, touch it, live it, respect it, accept it, approve it, appreciate it, shake it, masturbate with it, express it, liberate it! Start with your body there are so many toxins and unwanted behaviors that are seeking your attention!

When we are not able to enjoy that body and make it feel alive, we are missing out on this wonderful opportunity that it is presented being there, in the first place.

When we make love we have to be fully present, in this tantric union, without being afraid, without rushing to the final point, because it is not a competition it is a connection we create between two bodies and it is a chakra relation, it is a third energy included (the source), it is a Goddess and a God in a sacred union! Otherwise, there will be only two dead bodies trying to fulfill each, their own superficial fetishes and bondages, as they will feel empty, rather than fulfilled! Stay in love! ❤️❤️

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