Are you to yin or to yang?!

Life is like a giant puzzle that we try to resolve every day and everywhere we go, usually we put those pieces together  through our own personal experiences as much as time and space we are living in allows us to do so, on the other side we learn things through others life stories, through media,  books and so on.

We either participate and become the main actors, or we stay in our shadows as secondary characters, it all depends on where we are at right now and how thirsty we are to discover behind the scenes, and in the forefront.

It is amazing when you realize how everything it is interconnected, yin and yang, empathy and narcissism, feminine and masculine, love addiction and love avoidance, God and Goddess, divine feminine and divine masculine, heaven and earth, light and dark, white and black, beauty and ugliness, short and tall, fear of abandonment and desire for commitment, staying or leaving, those concepts describe the “worlds” we live inside or around us!

Life is this perfect symphony of natural duality, as one can not exist without the other and we have no other choice but accepting it as it is, through staying balanced in wholeness! Stay in love! ❤❤

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