Virgo Rising!

“The awakened healer”

A Virgo Rising song!

I am a Virgo rising, I look younger than I really am, I am more energetic as I grow older, I analyze every single moment carefully as I have been always searching for meaning, everything has to have an explanation before I see the entire picture.

Those around me, at times, get annoyed by my restless mind, and they call me a nerd since I love books. I have a sharp tongue and I cut through with my sword that is older than humanity, as I am lovely, but do not take my sweetness for granted, as you will see my other side.

A meticulous, intelligent, aware, perfectionist, I have the key to such knowledge, I can be manipulative and critical if I am in my lower octave or I can be a healer, great lover, in my highest potential. (Which I definitely aim)!

I am here for a great understanding, as well as I am here to shade my own skin and that of others, always in progress, with so much wisdom and intuition.

When I complain about the reigns, because I love sunny days, I feel grumpy, but when I realize that earth needs water to regenerate, I will instead dance with the rain, as a result, my moods will change. When I look at the world as a sick place with misery and suffering, I know I will only attract such, but when I know that the world is a beautiful place and all that happens is just a passing moment I am on track.

I am a Virgo rising, I am a divine feminine, I bring love and light to the world! I am a late bloomer, although pretty awake from the very beginning, that’s why I do not experience life as a playground in the first years of my life, I get shaken up by the imperfection of the world and I can’t stand suffering, so I preach and I usually make others run away, repelled, because they don’t want to accept what I already see.

After all the hangups and finding myself misunderstood, left alone and tired of trying whatsoever, I switch my buttons and I put my attention inwards, I create beauty, perfection, and balance within, in rest, I find my solutions, and I seat pretty, only then the world appears to me differently.

There is greatness and there is abundance, life is full of miracles and love rains the world, and all the best things or people desire to be in my experience of ascension as I am free and I am anchored in my heart, as I build what I want inside of me, as I get away from trying to heal, help and keep in codependency those who want to be blind and deaf,(metaphorically), who do not want to change, who despise peace, those who do not appreciate positivity, those who are not ready to be in light as yet.

I deeply recognize that home is in my heart, love, and wellbeing is my life, I build up myself step by step, crumb by crumb, and like a snail, I have my house with me everywhere I go, as I move freely, patiently, without much noise, but lighter and in confidence. As no matter how strong and stubborn the world might be, I am grounded in my shell, a divine shell, I manifested it all by myself as I get to know my power, I finally understand that happiness comes within, when I “fix” my perspective, all shifts in front of me as it should, and I am definitely where I should, as I am open-hearted for those who agree to be part of my life story, and I greet with compassion those who do not. 

As I always have been interested in being of service or at least help those who I can, I will create me firsthand, only then I will be able to give to those who willingly want to be helped.
To make this imperfect world, a perfect one, through my own doing, starting from myself”, as I no longer give a damn what world thinks, how things have been until now, and that there have been other people that could not do it better, I can and I will.
Therefore, the world is a wonderland, full of love, adventure, pleasure, creativity, and colors.

When a Virgo rising truly believes in love and the ability to heal, will not attract those who need fixing (Piscean types, Neptunian, daydreamer, lazy, deceitful individuals), will only attract those who experience life through the lenses of a higher kind of love, (Pisceans that are sensitive, with higher understanding, idealistic, illuminated, the most intuitive ones), because she knows she is a giver, and she has so much to give… Everything will be just perfect, just like she has been always wanted it! She is purifying herself in this lifetime, becoming a Spiritual Virgin!

Ps: when she enters a room, everyone stops and scared from her perfection they start fixing their hair, cleaning up, standing straight, because she executes the order in the world, therefore she is not a grumpy perfectionist, she is a Healing Goddess!

Stay in love! ❤❤

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