Taurus Rising!

“The grounded materialist”

Me and one of my sisters have moon in this sign (how we respond emotionally), 4 of my best friends, and my other sister have Sun in Taurus (how we present ourselves in the world), always around them, and one thing is common for all, very reliable, trustworthy as well as nurturing and intuitive.

In this article, I am more interested in Taurus rising sign (how we react in our immediate surrendering, how our life will unfold), which is ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty, love, and money.

Therefore, this is an earthly sign, I do not believe they are as spiritual inclined, since they are very concerned about the physical and tangible pleasures of life, very in touch with their body! They are jealous, possessive to the bone, if they love something or someone, they can go to the extreme lengths just to get what they want and they do not like to fail, very caring. At times they find it hard to move on and they can stay in relationships that have passed their expiration long time ago, this makes them stubborn and set in their ways, this is, unfortunately, their downfall. 

Those who belong to this rising sign, are usually calm, patient, and a bit shy, they are not as talkative, I would say, reserved, unless you mess up with them and you will see their other side of their personality (hence the Bull), which makes them revengeful, they have a difficult time to let go, that can take years to forgive or forget to not say they never do it, unless you have proved to them you are not worth their time and then you are simply dead!

They are calculative, they give nothing if they don’t get what they have set as a goal, the material world is very important to them, at times they value you according to your bank account, as they love the comfort of life, so they would choose that instead of love…One of the most stubborn of rising signs, but very sweet, fond of fine lifestyle, wellbeing, abundance, luxury, and usually very good looking people.

They love life, they have an inviting aura, they are good cooks, one of the best ones, indeed! They have to balance their opposite sign, which is Scorpio, and it is placed in their 7th house of partnerships, they love stability, but they usually date partners that are not stable at all, that might be as possessive and jealous as they are. Embrace the best of Scorpio, intuition and healing abilities, mastering their own emotions, leaving behind selfish tendencies learned from Aries and moving toward their destiny created by their own doing, by their own self-worth. Sensual and slow they love you to pieces! (It depends on other placement as well…)!

Their best friends or enemies are Taurus sun or moon, their hidden lovers, deep soulful connections and secret enemies are of Aries sun, moon, north node. They are often very loyal, especially women, and they can not stand a flicky partner, they would prefer a steady relationship, they like to have their emotions in check, or they will make your life miserable, well if you ask for it! They are good friends, (the best you will find), you can rely on them in difficult days, and in good days, they are great listeners, and they love to share a good meal in great company. 

Stay in love! Happy birthday to all Sun in Taurus! ❤❤

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