Dancing with a stranger!

…because she has never had a one night stand, and after her heart was broken by her best friend as well as her partner at that time, she picked up the pieces and she went dancing.

She met him, handsome, a bit shy, sweet smile and a nice posture, they recognized each – other, and they were drawn instantly, they danced the night away, he dropped her home after the party.

The other day he texted her, and they went on a wonderful date! They went in a restaurant, she was playful and he was fun, even though his heart was shattered because one of his parents passed away not longer than a week ago before they met, he was taking a break from his committed relationship as well. Pretty messy!

They were a match made in heaven, both in the same painful energy…They laughed, they had fun, they got drunk, they needed a rest from the hurt, and they were in love at that moment, because who else can understand what they were facing more than them?!

She was sensing it, things could not go anywhere, and she said would you like to have a one night stand? -I have never experienced one, and you seem a nice person, at least I feel a bit safe, but, with one condition we will not see one another again?

He was shocked, he wanted it, and he did not want it! That was the moment when all shifted differently than it was supposed to… From that night, they met a few more times, for about 3 months it was a hell of push and pull, kissing and making up, fighting and arguing, his jealousy and her intensity.

No one wants to get hurt, no one wants to hurt, and love is on the other side, but it feels so hard to overcome the shadows, to overcome the ego battles. They finally had more than one night stand lol, because they could not resist the attraction any longer, it was a blast, even though, they parted ways!

She left angry, because he was being a coward and fearful, because he thought she will leave him for someone better, and he was going to lose himself in the process, loving her that much was unbearable. On the other side, she wanted to lose herself all, in that amazing passion, she was a romantic sick, and she found someone who can measure up to 80% of that same energy, but she could not extend herself to someone who is afraid to go further.

He went back to his boring life, working, not dancing, building up a future with someone that was “stable”, that does not require any spiritual change or growth when nothing else was left, but comfort zone.

It was the wrong timing, usually, we say, I believe it was the best time as they needed to learn something, a lesson for life! One day he told her: – “Why did I meet you now, I can’t do this right now, and how can I be so in love with you so fast, and how can God bring me someone like you my way”. When we have trust issues, and we don’t believe we can be blessed with what we truly desire, we give up!

We forget, it is all divinely orchestrated, we just have to be open to receive, as we waste our life with people that are not as important due to the lack of believing in our heart, and that love can not happen to us! 

She, again, picked herself up, she went on her journey alone, as she knew how to be by herself, and voila…life brought her way someone that was playing almost the same dynamic, but this one will shake her profoundly, he will rock her entire world, for her to never go back to her old ways… Stay in love! ❤️❤️

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