Do not be afraid of your light!

Something went wrong today at work, money was involved, and I don’t like being at fault whatsoever, I told my boss, he replied: – Are you out of your mind, do not worry, you expect to work all day in the office without making an error, we are humans, we make mistakes, it is normal, just try to fix it and have a nice weekend! He is a sweetheart, a fellow Gemini, a real gentleman, but I was expecting to be punished perhaps! 

Moreover, I had an “Aha moment”, if we could just apply this phrase in our everyday life, how much easy life would be?! How many times happen to fail, to be so unforgiving of our-self, never mind if someone else does it?! We forget that there is nothing in this life that cannot be resolved!

Do not be afraid of your own light, be open to explore it and to share it with the world, even If you think your idea is pretty silly, do it anyways, especially if it comes from a creative perspective, from a place that is far away from your brain and very close to your senses!

Do not give a damn, do not be intimidated by any eye, criticism nor judgment, and even if you are, still go for it!  Actually, I know from my own perspective, when I have to do something and I am so afraid, because it feels unknown territory, and we usually go for what is already familiar, so the more I wake up the more I go for what scares me the most. 

Funny enough, I go even deeper indeed, it is so exciting because all my alertness is focused on the project, I fear failure and I keep on working harder until I laugh with myself and I finally succeed, but even if I do not, I have definitely learned some important steps to do it better next time or to start another project.

Yes, fear drives me to go further!

When we are talented somehow, but we are not confident to perform, we actually held our-self back out of panic, of being ashamed and that what we want to show will not be acceptable, or approved, or appropriate whatever the case… this my dear is the exact moment you have got to be more courageous, since creativity of any sort it is protected and supported by the entire Universe, because everything beautiful and fun, brings joy, love, lights a fire in someone’s heart, makes someone smile, it is food for thought, saves a life, it is wisdom. 

If what you do helps someone, even just one single individual in this world, you have achieved more then you think, you are precious somewhere, somehow for someone, let your light shine brighter each passing day and you will make yourself the most fortunate,  auspicious being, and that is more then enough!

– I just published my book on Kindle Store, you might as well purchase it on Amazon, under, Everyday Spiritual / Spiritual Awakening by Rezarta Shehu!

Love yourself! ❤❤

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