When she started loving her twin (divine counterpart)! A twin flame chaser perspective!

Those who do not know say that this couple is connected by their shared pain, they actually are connected with a red string from the divine, as he created everything in duality, he created romantic love between two people and everyone comes as a pair, the only struggle is staying together or meeting at the same lifetime. They eventually, surrender to the light, regardless of what it seems at the beginning of the stages! 

She was crashed, she was hating him with all her being, as much as she loved him! She deleted and threw away everything connected with him, she blocked her feelings, her emotions, she shut him out completely to a great extent, as she was an Ice Queen, she had done it before, she could do it again! She was finally not thinking, she was numb, she thought she got over him, and she moved on slowly very carefully, as everyone was telling her to forget about him, her mind as well, and she did, she blocked him out and she moved on!

I guess she needed some time to heal herself, and everyone she was dating, was just not matching with what she had experienced, she could not like anyone and they were almost the same, something was completely off. When in surrender, she met someone unexpectedly, someone who was resonating with her energy at that time and they were getting along, so she started feeling a bit alive again, having some hope after she was lost and so disappointed. At first, things were progressing, she was planning for her future, as she was in darkness for so long, she was now coming out from the frozen and accepting a new reality!

After a period of deep silence, retrospection, hurt, pain, hate, she was in so much denial that in the beginning, she was counting minutes, days, hours, and then months, she was praying to not dream of him, to not hear anything from him, even though her intuition was telling her a different story, she was set in her way, and she was doing good, she found the strength to move beyond the drama, months have past and she restrained herself from chasing, from going after, from giving her power away, the storm was going further and the Sun was coming out, she claimed herself back and she chose peace!

Only after all that happened, she started practicing some prayers and mantras, reiki and meditation, using chakra stones, she felt better and better each day, until… one day she started re-experiencing  feelings of regrets, remorse, doubts, she started thinking of him, she could not stop thinking of him (perhaps he was mirroring her), after all that work, can you imagine?! 

It was exactly her inner work that brought a tower moment, that turned hate into compassion, judgments into understanding, barriers of the heart into crying and grieving the loss, indifference into love, pain into liberation, now she was ultimately independent, she knew she loved him all the time, not because of what he did or did not do, but because she started loving herself and only then she was able to love someone else without blaming them but setting them free to find their own happiness in their own terms. 

Now she realizes that whatever is yours will always find a way to come back to you, no matter what, as she started healing and believing in herself, in the divine and in her counterpart, she found beauty within and now she believes in miracles! She keeps healing herself and she knows that her love can heal him too since they share the same chakra system, that’s the reason why God pushes her to awake first so she can then guide the other! She stopped thinking, denying her love for him, and she started feeling him, as he is always there with her! 
Stay in love! ❤❤

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