How do I know I am on the right path?!

When I wake up in the morning I really do not know what to wear, how to style my hair, will my eyelashes get damaged if I put mascara on, can I have a tattoo, can I drink coffee and have a clear mind, is meet heavy and is it going to interfere with my mental wellbeing, will I gain weight if I eat lots of carbs, am I getting enough rest?

Yes, when you start becoming aware, but you also are unsure, you have those questions in your mind, and there is a push and pull at the beginning between egotistical desires and your spirit need for growth.

Bare in mind spirit is good as it is, does not require more then peace and just to be, but we are in a material world and spirit also is here to have this experience, so he knows what hairstyle suits you best if you allow him to guide you and not trends! 

Spirit likes beauty and honors it, don’t be afraid to go after what your true self requires you to do, if you want to go blonde with long hair, you have got to go for it, is your best self that is giving you an indication how you would feel unique and accordingly to your intuition you have got to do what looks great on you, nothing will happen to your hair, believe if you are pushed to do so, you are safe and protected, so is your hair!

I know there are many spiritualists out there that preach, one should not do this not that, what to eat and what to not eat, yes I agree, take care do not overindulge, but if your heart is crying to do something, go for it you are a piece of art, you are just one single copy there is no one like you, so follow gracefully what you are guided to do, don’t listen to what others say, they don’t know why you are here, they don’t know your wishes and wants, you have a purpose that only You, your Creator and your spirit guides know what is in your best interest, even the way you dress up, it is your signature, and there are not two similar ones in this world!

You know you are on the right path when you put your hands in your heart and ask what is my best presentation, then you will be directed where you have to, just trust in yourself

Ask, what is the best information for you, since there are plenty and it feels hard to distinguish, when you are in tune with your deepest self and when you are open with the universal language, you will know which one is your truth, the message you need to hear, because when you listen to others and you ignore yourself you are totally out of alignment, I don’t know what you really want, only you know, you are special so respect and listen carefully to your heart, only then you will know what to do, where to go, how to dress up, which direction to choose, just listen and follow your inner self! After all, what is good for you might as well be not so good for someone else.

This is the most important step you can take, everything else hand it over to the Universe, there are only blessings coming your way!

The same thing applies with writers, they get downloads and they write, if they don’t put words together that knowledge goes away, is lost in a way, because they are not being open and not connected enough…     

It is not like I will wake up at 8:15 AM today and I will decide to write, nope, you can not force creativity, you can only get inspired, it does not matter when and how time and space is just an illusion, you have to be grateful and committed when the information comes through you and you have to share it willingly with the world! 
Raise your vibration! ❤️❤️

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