Be careful what are you wishing for!

A few years ago I came across a book called “The Secret”, it was so exciting, I finished it within hours and then I read it again and again, it is full of affirmations about life, it is very helpful for those who have been sweating with their emotions for a while, otherwise you will have desires that are connected from your fear rather than a peaceful state of mind. 

This one explains the law of attraction, I could not believe it, I was so happy,  I finally can have whatever I want lol, as completely unaware as I was just like anyone else would do, we either wish for money, power, success, or love. Guess what?! My wish was connected with love. I wished to get engaged, as funny as it sounds, within a month or so, I got introduced to someone and it was pretty serious, pretty fast. I mean what the hell I was thinking, it was scary, but I did not like the guy so I ended it. (It was simply a fit that looks good on books, that fits the bill).

After what happened I was reflecting over it, my desire and how did that all aligned?! Moreover, for me getting engaged means being deeply in love with someone who loves you with the same degree and there is a feeling of forever happily after, but the Universe takes desires deliberately, I wished for engagement, here it was, truth is I did not explain to the universe with details what I clearly meant. From that moment forward I started being more careful with what I would manifest, I also understood that we wish for things sometimes out of alignment, from an ego perspective, but we are clueless and not ready for what is in front of us. 

What when we wish for unconditional love, now that is tricky, usually we meet those we cannot have a real relationship with, those who are unavailable emotionally and or physically, who have lots of addictions, who cannot and do not want to commit, and as much as we love them we have to let them go for the sake of love for our-self and there we go we learn how to love them with all their good and bad, we love them even when they are not part of our life. We love them even when they are messy, but from a human perspective with unconditional love, we believe that is the best love, someone who gets us in all levels, there are no arguments, kind of nothing wrong going on, we don’t know that we are having unrealistic expectations. 

What if I ask to be granted with true love? Bear in mind, you can ask whatever you would like, you are completely free, you can either ask for something, reject it if you don’t want it anymore, redo or undo, there are lots of opportunities, you can are the director of your life, (in most of the case 😊), but the most important part is to ask for something so you can have it and enjoy it as well as being contained in the long run. 

When we ask for true love, that will definitely happen,  it is going to be hard and is going to be a long journey but very rewarding, because this is the highest level of understanding, it is like going to the best school and achieving the best results, getting the best job, having the best life. (Through your own hard work, no help whatsoever)!

This one is not a joke, first and foremost you have got to be true with yourself and then requesting to have a true love relationship.  
If you are not honest, authentic, working on dissolving your ego, giving up your addictions, your thought patterns, being able to have heart to heart conversations, giving up whatever does not work for you any longer, otherwise Universe will bring it to you and will get it from you, or you will watch it from afar because you don’t believe you are worth having that kind of love. 

In another case scenario, let’s say you are a womanizer, but you want a real meaningful relationship, you have got to give it up, to heal yourself from this addictive behavior in order for you to enjoy this love, because the best loves actually face the hardest obstacles, for some reasons they are tested like no other kind of relationship, it requires lots of effort, in the beginning, to build the strongest foundation because the bond is simply unbreakable

With that being said, you can meet the love of your life but if you are counting the stars, you will miss out on the Moon!

By the way, if you really want it, let’s say you have to work for about 6 months to a year in an environment where the conditions or coworkers around you are not the best you can have, but you get paid for the rest of your life! 

You can certainly have everything you wish for, I mean absolutely everything, but you have got to do some homework, some daily practices to put yourself in a high vibration, in order for you to have what you deserve and what you desire the most, trust me all the work it is worth doing it when you plant the seeds and you take care of them properly, the results are just astounding! …because I love you! ❤❤

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