Communication is the key to many doors!

We would love to be understood without explaining our-self, with just a look if possible, but that happens easily in movies, challenging in the physical world! Anyhow, truth is there are people in our lives with whom we have a better level of understanding and there are some we can’t seem to see eye to eye.

Why? …because we are different and we are used to familiarity as well as we are not willing to marry the opposites, we might as well remove them from our life then dealing with those who do not have similar interests, desires, experiences. 

“I am doing everything I can to make her happy, but she never appreciates my efforts, she thinks I am a loser”. There is a disbelief in this sentence on one side if I do to much I will get rewarded and I will feel worth it, on the other side if I don’t do I am not enough, but in this case I am still a loser and that is my opinion about myself created from someone else’s perspective. hmmm…

Here there is definitely lack of communication, if instead we say to the other that I am trying my best and I am putting so much effort so we can have a satisfying life together, the other will hear you and will try to help in the situation because it seems more open, heartfelt and honest, it does not sound like selfish need for approval kind of story or like you are projecting your way of thinking to the other. 
Moreover, we do things when we can without overextending our-self to those who think we are losers anyway. 

“I keep on ignoring her so she understands that I do not want to talk about the same conversation over and over”. Don’t you see, you are going to the end of the chapter before even starting it. When we live by our-self somewhere in a desert we don’t need to have any interaction nor communication with anyone, we don’t need to explain anything to our-self but when we interchange energy we have to be assertive without being aggressive, without using silent treatment, manipulation, ignoring, not being responsive that will not help, if you think you are being smart or charming whatsoever it will backfire, no one will allow being mistreated for longer times, it simply means you are immature and you have problems with being expressive and as a result you will have issues with your relationships  of all kinds, in everyday life. Period.

Do you want to have a healthy life with better quality, then you have got to speak up the truth and to listen to others equally with tenderness and fairness, because let’s say you treat some better than others, because some of us have a Ph.D. in interdependence we only treat others great until we get what we want and then boom… our ignorant side shows up, but we also live in denial as we think the other deserves to be treated that way until someone will teach us a lesson or two down the road, until we get it right, after all, what goes around comes around! 

Extend yourself to people and treat them as you would like to be treated, require explanation if need will be from those you have a hard time figuring it out without creating drama in your mind for things that are not even true. Discontinue accusing and humiliating others because they are not in your shoes and they do not really know what do you think nor what is in your heart. Instead of saying he/she is stupid and will never understand why don’t you try to make your intentions clear before you determine and exert your own conclusions, the world is yours but you are not the only one! 
Raise your vibration! ❤❤

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