Note to Empaths!

I have been so low for the last past week and I do not think I had a reason to be until I realized that someone in my workplace was feeling depressed”. This is going to be your life, so be mindful and help yourself!

If you are an empath, you are a lovely being, very rare to find the sensitiveness that lies underneath you, you are very strong even though you are perceived as very sensitive and you are driven by your emotions, but your emotions are like waves of the ocean you can be calm but you might as well create a tsunami. Do not underestimate your power, the only thing you need to do is to choose carefully who you share your energy with, to be surrounded by peace, love as well as to shield and protect yourself from psychic attacks, from the darkness as your light tends to attract the opposite very easily. 

You are an empath for known and unknown reasons, I will mention a few:  You have a history in your family tree, look around and find who that individual is… Your mother was very sensitive and fearful when she brought you in life, you developed it from her. You belong to one of the waves Dolores Cannon describes in her book: The three waves of Volunteers and the New Earth”. You are definitely an old soul, you have been accumulated and given so much love, always maintained your kindness despite the suffering.

What do you need to know?

Do not try to pretend you are not sensitive, embrace it instead and let people know you are one, you do not have to be ashamed as you are indeed gifted. You have to Ground yourself by following a daily practice that is all up to your choice, but it is a must in order for you to survive in the material world, because you are like a sponge for others emotions but you are here to transmute them not to hold and store them in your system, (body, mind, DNA). You have to spend lots of time by yourself, you need to recharge and to let what is unnecessary go, otherwise, you will suffer from a burst of depression and often for things that are not yours. You have to do journaling using it as a catharsis for release, You need to shield yourself with love and protection and believe that you are a beam of light so you are extra protected, that will give you the confidence to move with confidence forward and get things done.

Go to your favorite space, and connect with your emotions, cry if possible, cry out loud let that which is bothering you go, and free yourself because you deserve a good relief. Keep away those who are full of drama and are not allowing you to grow, get rid of those individuals, and I know it is so hard for you because you love to help humanity but you have to channel your good intentions in a productive direction, instead of focusing all your attention on a problematic partner, participate in a shelter, organization or whatever place you would like to share love.

Your life in the first years it is going to be a mess, you will try to protect your heart from hurt and from pain as your soul feels everything so deeply, so you need to be careful to not let that destroy you, but use that to make you the healer you are born to be. Every day is going to be a challenge for you as you put your heart on your sleeve and you get crushed from the suffering. Please be aware do not take things personally, as you often tend to do, you think is your fault when someone is undergoing sadness, or any other emotion, as life is full of temporary situations.

Take care of your needs and do not overextend yourself to those who do not give back as you will find yourself without power, understand that when you help someone you are as well keeping them codependent and you are not allowing them space to have their own experiences and to live on their own right, because you do not want them to get hurt but at times even being hurt is necessary, is a lesson so give that up. 

Spend time alone and dance, you have great happiness inside of you and when you take care of yourself, you get empowered, you will then have the ability to give to others.  Do not close your heart when someone does not accept your love, keep on being loving, don’t allow a rejection define who you really are. 

How is life with you when you are not healed or in tune with your emotions, or when you are not aware of your abilities:

You are Clingy, oversensitive, overgiving, dependent on others or to independent, people pleaser, defensive, you suffer and you feel isolated, you do not own your truth, detached from your heart. 
How is life when you are aware and in tune with your highest good:

You shine, you help without overdoing it, you are a great listener, assertive, bold, wise, firm, you are sweet, you are pleasant to be around, you are in your element, you are a natural motherly figure, you are an Empress/Emperor, you are charismatic, you are fun, you are pure love, you are a candle in the darkness, You are a beautiful soul, whatever you touch and say generates healing!

Raise your vibration! ❤❤

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