Emphasis on loss?

Sadly, I hear people that have lost faith in love and in life all together due to their belief that they have lost the love of their life. There are actually people that are being treated for depression and that have been so isolated from the world, never dated again, or have other relationships but unable to fully move on. 

I know it is hard to love someone and to not be loved in return, it is difficult when you find someone you think is a complement of you and you think you would die without them, it feels like there is no reason to live anymore, you can not find the strength to get out of the bed, nothing makes sense and for sure some people are most likely irreplaceable comparing to others…

My concern is how we fool ourselves, yes grieving is alright, yes suffering help us grow, yes crying, yes touch the ground, yes bend in your knees, but get the fricking up, going low shows you how to appreciate highs. Seriously, pick your pieces, find strength and get up! 
How weak and small we hold the idea for our-self, I know we all have been hurt in some ways and lost people we thought we cannot live without, but guess what if you think you lost your truest love, you are wrong! Why? 

You can never lose the love of your life, true loves can hurt you but they don’t break you beyond recovery, they actually give you the vigor to keep on going, they make you braver, wiser, they bust you up, giving you all the optimism to move forward firmly. Even if they are not physically with you and you think they are happy having fun with other people, trust me your true love is as lost as you are, and the good news is their heart is always with you, despite what it seems…

What if they are happy with other people, then you deserve to be happy too, as simple as that, on the other side, probably they are not the love of your life, why do you claim someone who is not available to you as the one and only?!

Real loves are like your beloved ones who have passed away but still take care of you and help you from the other side, they are like best friends that when you are sleeping in the day of your graduation, (or when you are undergoing a difficult situation), they slap you really hard in the right spot so you wake up and see the reality for what is. In your rainy days when you feel powerless to get going they come in your room, (their higher self), hug you, and say to you how wonderful you are and that you have so much work to do, that you are having your calling, that you are here for a greater purpose then crying over the spilled milk. 

Moreover, most of the people I know that have truly met their true loves, are spiritual teachers, are living together or collaborating to do so, are yoga teachers, remedy flower healers, reiki healers, potent communicators, psychologists, intuitive readers, entrepreneurs, gurus etc, they are all in the most important places, they are proactive, participating, definitely in service for the best of humanity, because this is the power of real love. 

Do you understand now, stop wasting your life crying for the departed one you think was “the one”, real loves lift you up, they don’t put you down for life, that is the job of false, obsessive, lustful ones, stop entertaining the idea of the lost love, the lost you and not worth living, find your truth, and get moving, probably now is the time to believe in yourself and to really meet your the one and only, they exist, you are not fantasizing, but you probably haven’t met them yet that is why you feel so crushed or you have met them but you have to do some healing before you get back together, hopefully, one day, do not forget you have got to do You first and foremost.

After all, when you create your own life and you raise your vibration, you attract only good, love and abundance, if you keep on staying in shadows, you are just feeding darkness and you are ignoring your light!
Love Yourself!  ❤❤

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