I do not trust you!

When things are not going as I wanted them to go,  I hitted a wall…We think we have trust issues and we do not believe, by that we mean we are not gullible.

Truthfully, it takes time and participation outside of our comfort zone to have trust, also when we haven’t yet trusted ourselves and we are so tight up in our brain how can we trust another?!

When we feel gloomy and like nothing is working as we had predicted it with our little calculation, we are discouraged, we suffer, we can’t seem to understand why things should be so difficult when we were trying so hard to plan this thoroughly! 

We have two alternatives in this story, to stay stuck in our brain, or to listen to our self. On one hand, to listen to whatever has been ingrained and programmed by others, to follow a path that makes sense and is well prepared, to follow tradition, to recreate from the same steps that our grand, grandparents…in the year 200…

We have to keep the pattern going because this is what they did, we have to honor the past, they were smarter than us, they knew what was good and bad, yet we are facing our demons, we’re even laughed from our ancestors from the eternity.

We can’t plan seeds on the same background of year 200, that is way to old and it is going to crumble easily. We have to wisen up, we respect culture but we are called to go to greater lengths, to be innovative and independently learn more.

Certainly, they want be mad at us if we do better, if we are more effective and superior, they know we are brave enough to build new roots and a more preferable foundation, they will indeed be proud of us, not judgmental. 

On the other hand, whenever you feel like you are not getting what you want it means you are listening to your mind more than your heart, because if you listen to you heart you will be called sensitive and weak by those who do not want to move forward, that want to stay chained in the past, ignorants that are unable to embrace the newfound and the desire to cocreate for an amazing upcoming. 

Whenever you go home at night, when your body and mind is starting to rest, you will hear a sweet voice talking to you, it is ok to let go, it is ok to not be strong headed, it is ok to not get what are you looking for at times, other peoples opinions do not define you love is more important than money, status or appearance, it is ok to fall, and it is ok to get up again, it is ok to let the Universe take care of you, you are doing as much as you can, just so you know you are not alone, you are always guided.

If you are stubborn and you do not listen to this lovely voice, you will keep on meeting the same hole over and over.

It is exactly at those moments when you are all by yourself and you let your guard down, when you get brightened by the truth that’s inside of you at all times. 

Do not listen to me, do not trust nor read or love me, listen to your heart and there is so much to discover, you we see clearly, you will no longer be confused who and what is in your best interest. You will just feel it!
Raise your vibration! ❤❤

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