Leo Rising!

“The wealthy romantic”

Just like sunny days, life is like a party! Life is all about romance and having fun, no one knows that better than a Leo Rising. I think it is exciting and if it is not I will make sure to create it, this is their motto.

Drama is good as long as it makes my heart pump, so yeah, I am a drama queen and I am fully aware! Ruled by the Sun, Leo Rising loves life and is usually very lively, they love to be in the center of attention, most likely pretty lucky and fond of all the luxury. 

They are passionate and fiery, they are confident, execute lots of authority and are very charismatic, always found in important societal positions. They enjoy the good company and would do everything to keep things at high levels, for that reason in most cases they are pretty harmonious, diplomatic and royal.

Whatever is expensive is great, and they are now in this life experiencing wealth as well as competency, they are the first to go further with plastic surgery and all the new technologies just to make sure they look amazing and they are the best in whatever they do. (It is a must for them).

Leo Rising individuals are very charming and a bit selfish, they put themselves first ALWAYS, and there is an undeniable desire to be treated like they are very special.

They are unique and fun to be around with, romantic and caring lovers, very independent, but they should not forget that the world does not revolve around them, others have their unique traits as well.

They are leaving behind & they are here to balance Leo – Aquarius energies, Aquarius is placed in their descendant or their 7th house of partnerships, through this air sign they have to learn how to see and embrace grace in themselves as well as in others, that it is ok to be the greatest without pushing to hard to win in all cases. 

Leo Rising is very competitive, they distaste losing at all costs and they can at times step on others just to get where they want to without any consideration, they come off as arrogant, but they do not give a damn what others think as long as they fulfill their power-hungry desires.

On the other hand of the spectrum, Aquarius are very sociable, humanistic, humble, they have a great and open heart, they know when to put another on a pedestal without feeling threatened by someone else’s light because they know where they stand. 

Leo Rising has a warm loving heart and is willing to help others if their help does not stem from an egotistical purpose, even though they are very attentive in every situation.

Aquarius are more of detached emotionally, yet they love people and animals, they have so many friends and they can be able to have two lovers at the same time as they find beauty in everyone equally, stubbornness is not their characteristic, open-mindedness is. 

If you, Leo Rising, can balance this axis within you, putting yourself first, but allowing others to do the same, you will avoid unnecessary and unwanted behaviors as well as problems that might be created in the petty battles where no one ever wins, where you will only be part of intense but co-dependent relationships that will be easy to get involved in but difficult to manage. 

Your best friends and or enemies will have Leo Sun, Moon or South & North Node in their birth chart. Your past deep soul relationships and your shadows will be illuminated for you by those who have Sun, Moon, Mars in your 12 house where is usually placed the sign of intuitive and sensitive Cancer. 

You are strong and you charge ahead with full speed, your vibration goes higher because you are a fire sign, you are welcoming to only high-class people and fancy places, your life is an amazing adventure in all ways possible.

Life will be like a big screen for you, so enjoy it as you will definitely be the main actor on your own right!
Ps: Leo Rising has beautiful and thick hair, usually in dark shades.

Love yourself! ❤❤

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