The sound of your pain!

Have you ever gave voice to that pain, just like an abandoned child, like the rape of the soul, like the death of a dear one, that feeling of hopelessness and not knowing how to consult yourself.

Like a thunderstorm in your ears, a noise that is hard to break free from. Have you ever herd that sounding like an angry ocean, something that boils from inside out and needs to be released otherwise it will explode. 

Keep in mind, please be nice and compassionate, give voice to that feeling, let the pain out, face it, do not let it suffocate you, let it out, let the sky deal with it, let the world know about it, that one could be very old and is not yours to keep it, indeed through you is finding her way to be resolved and released. 

Instead of numbing your emotions and being fearful, find a way to channel it, instead of boiling blood or taking medications, talk it out with someone you trust or with someone you feel that can understand you. Seek for them, they are all around you!

Do not shame yourself for crying and for suffering, if you live you will undergo such, but be mindful nothing lasts forever and as always the best is yet to come. 

I really recommend to those who are having a difficult time dealing with some loss in any way, shape or form that is ok to be comforted by others, it is ok to not be so solid, so resilient that you can do all by yourself, we are here to help and to be helped no matter how wonderful, powerful and enduring we hold ourselves.

We have to realize that at times exactly this strength keeps us away from our greatest potential, and our heart freezes out in territories that no longer can be approached! Love yourself and let others love you!❤❤

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