When the divorce has to take place!

Oh lord! I am against the idea of divorce altogether, even though ironically is the new trend,  but I am not against it if it is creating painful cycles for those involved, especially for the delicate ones, for the children. Marriages, sadly, are not passing the fourth year, they expire before getting consumed if not at all. 

From my background, my parents stayed together for about 38 years, until my dad passed away, and as for my mom, she never replaced him not even thinking of doing such a thing. 
Family is sacred, a blessing and it has always been, I only wish it won’t lose its functions and will become stronger again in the near future. As for myself, I would rather not get married than getting divorced, that’s my opinion and it has always been a deal-breaker. 

On the other side, we can not predict life, and sometimes we have karma in play, at times we are to concerned with superficial stuff as much as we look at the marriage like a going to vacations kind of thing. When the vacation is over we look for the next plain to carry us away, who wants responsibilities anyways?!

With all that being said, not everything is under our control and there are always two parties involved, different desires, will power, one grows more than the other and for so many other reasons marriage gets dissolved, I will not go deeper at this time, it happens with or without our intention. 
What I would suggest is: 

  • Do not get married only for passion or beauty, it will not last and you will be left disappointed.
  • Do not get married before living together, or at least going on trips together and spending quality time, even a weekend can tell us a lot about the other.
  • Do not get married only for reaches, possessions come and go.
  • Do not get married only for status.
  • Do not get married young, find yourself first.
  • Do not get married because years are passing by, you are getting old, and your family wants you to get married, we all have different biological hour. 
  • Do not get married if you first and foremost haven’t build a basic communication with your potential partner.
  • Do not get married if you feel desperate and alone, we attract what we are. 
  • Do not get married if you are not getting along.
  • For all the women out there, do not get married to someone who does not treat you with respect within the first months, if the man is not putting efforts and is not willing to change, who is not giving you attention. Do not marry a man who never texts you or with someone you do all the work, guess what, after marriage same thing will apply. Do not chase a man, let the man be in their masculinity, and if they do not come after you, actions speak louder than words, do not ever marry him, do not even date him. 
  • Do not get married to someone who is not emotionally available to you, if they are not at the beginning of the stages, they won’t be later on.
  • Do not get married to someone who is recently getting out from a serious commitment, please don’t be a rebound of their exes baggage…
  • Do not marry someone who has addictions, drugs, alcohol, sex or porn addictions, etc…it will not disappear, it will go worst after marriage unless they are patient enough and decide to change for the better, for themselves & for you.
  • Do not marry someone who does not treat you as an equal.
  • Do not get married to someone if your heart is longing for someone else, it won’t benefit either one of you.

In case you are the one who goes with the flow, and you don’t think as much as I do, or you just happen to be in a marriage right now with all the above reasons, but you are thinking of getting divorced, try harder before you abandon the building, get out of it if you are being used, abused, mistreated, disrespected, or damaged emotionally and or physically.

When divorce happens, and you have children, because they are my Achilles Heel, please be aware, if things do not work out between you and your partner for a,b,..z reasons, do not involve your children, do not make it harder than already is, because your behavior impacts them deeply. 
Do not use your children to get revenge or getting “even” with your ex, do not put them in the middle, for the sake of them act like civilized adults and let each other go gracefully.

In every case try to maintain a healthy and a distanced, respectful relationship with one another even when it feels like an obligation or it hurts, you will get over it when you are both being a team for your offspring and not two opposite fields of a battle. After all your children do not deserve to suffer for your mistakes! 

I would only marry for love, and I would get out of there at most when there is nothing to work out any longer, as well as when I am being held back emotionally, spiritually or physically. 

I would at best marry for love, but I will keep my logic very close to my chest. 
Raise your vibration! ❤❤

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