Normalcy is your empowerment!

Perpetually, we feel anxious over an interview or a project, since we would like to accomplish it with the best regards!

Well, for some of us it is easier, for others it is way to difficult, especially for those who fear failure and are very responsible, especially for those who are precisionists, when they are in charge of a situation that makes them perceive the threat, that’s the moment when they feel paralyzed and or paranoid. 

We lose sight and we condemn ourselves, we either get out from the situation remorseful, or we overcome the anxieties and we go beyond our capabilities. 

I always say life is not to be feared, yet I have feared life in all ways in most of the cases, due to the fact that I want to be always on the positive end of a story, and I do want things to be at all times achievable… If I sense there is a risk of loss of some sort i would rather give it up but i have also had my moments where I would push myself to do it anyway. 

Life is about those moments that take your breath away and it is about having fun, being playful and enjoying it, life is not about being right all the time, and winning, after all this is just an experience and the more we are fearful of getting hurt and of making mistakes the more we are in those situations.

Why? We have to change our perspective! How do we do that? When we do not focus on the negativity, when we do not focus on what we do not want to happen, but rather when we consider things as normal. 

That means we have to train our brain to stop reacting over what we have been always reacting and as a result we have been creating patterns that are becoming difficult to escape from. 

Additionally, it takes time to change a habit, and we think we do not have time even though we know that is our illusion, we have to find another way, the fastest one is by ignoring what we do not like and putting all the attention in what we want. 

Let’s suppose we would love to open our business, but we are to excited to the extreme or we are to concerned with things that are not going well, as a result we will attract only that kind of experiences that will reinforce our worries, as a result ruin things before even starting.

Furthermore, if we instead stay centered and we do not allow enthusiasm to get over us, when we see things as ordinary, happiness is a normal state, having good times is normal, making money is normal, having a beautiful body is normal, being successful is normal, working with passion is normal, being in a relationship with the person you love is normal, apologizing is normal, calling someone you are missing is normal, having what you want is the most common thing in the world!

In this fashion you are going to be more balanced, life will flow faster and effectively because you are not making yourself insane over the things that did not happen, you are not driving yourself crazy over the situations that are not supposed to take from you that state of harmony you should breathe in.

Nevertheless, be confident, stay grounded, inhale & exhale, act as if you can have it all, believing that is the most natural thing in the entire world!

Thusly, ignore what you dislike, so what you like will be translated as the only possibility for the Universe and will be reinforced each moment.
Raise your vibration, life is not a chore is a wonderful involvement!❤❤

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