How to turn back to a good vibe and faster??

When you are being drained and stressed out, you have lost peace and you are panicking over everyday stuff, you are overwhelmed with negative thoughts and things are not going well at all.

Furthermore, you keep on repeating how badly things have been, you can’t seem to realize that it is the moment you have to stop the merry go around the cycle and take care of yourself.

So to speak, get out from the vortex you are breathing in, you have got to put an end to that state, otherwise you will be stuck in an unfortunate situation for longer then you should. 

Don’t you worry, it happens to the best, even to those who know how to take care of themselves and know all the methods how to feel better.

Yet, when something triggers them and makes them feel less than they usually experience because after all, we are human, we get tricked pretty easy, but they learn how to not get shaken from the first little problem that arises, they realize that it is best to focus on the solution instead. 

How we do that faster?

  • First and foremost, breathe, take some deep breaths for at least 2-3 minutes, you will feel calmer and back in tune with your body. Your mind and your body will be connected and you will think clearer as the thing you were being worried about was not such a  big of a deal. 
  • Secondly, get outside, get in nature, take some fresh air, walk, get yourself moving along with it the energy within will get moving too. Hug a tree, walk in the grass, in the send, just put your feet or seat on the ground if possible, thus ground and center yourself.
  • Practice the easiest mudra, with your thumb apply pressure in all other fingers one by one until you feel better. You will believe in miracles with this one if you do it for at least 2-4 minutes because all our fingers are responsible for different parts in our body which are connected with different emotions, so those need to be massaged to engage in a better emotional state.
  • Visualize writing a nice word in your mind such as “Peace”, Love, Happiness, White, or a word that has no value nor attachment with you, such as Flower, Tomato or whatever of no importance for the moment you are trying to calm yourself down, and go over that word for few minutes, so the momentum of not feeling good switches to: ‘I am alright now’. 

Taking care of yourself is easier than we can imagine, those are things you can afford doing without interrupting the flow of life and without thinking you are wasting your time while you must work harder.

You have got to lighten up and let things happen more naturally, after all, you will not go further than you are supposed to anyway, but you will go there in a more harmonious way.

When you become aware of how to get out from negativity, even at times when you are being tested by life with all sorts of issues, you still get out from there in a stable manner each time faster, since you have learned how to emotionally take care for yourself and how to be completely independent, nothing can ever tremble you!

Raise your vibration! ❤❤

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