You are the one who cannot say “NO”!

It is so deeply rooted within, that you just go back to the habit of saying Yes, even when your heart is crying No.

It is such a difficult task, you think that you are going to be seen as mean, as a person who does not like to help, and you cannot afford to hurt others as you have been used to put everyone else before you.

I have been living my life in this illusion for a long time, I am pretty sure I am carrying it from other lifetimes, as it feels so familiar to me, I just can do this one perfectly fine. 

On the other side, since I am here to remove, change, transmute, transform this habit that is no longer serving me, is keeping me in stagnation, since this role is not bringing any satisfaction and it is pretty old fashioned, I have been forced to say NO, as well as I have been positioned in conditions I would rather not be.

Only now I am seeing clearly that the reason even though It felt uncomfortable for years, it is totally making sense.

Waking up in the morning, heavy and tired of fixing everything for everyone else, letting go of things, situations and people just because I can not be the one who is “interrupting” others delirium, feeling disappointed even though no one ever cares how I feel, but… 

  • When you do not put yourself first, who is going to do that for you?
  • When you do not choose your happiness, who is going to make you happy? 
  • When you are not your top choice, you will never be someone else’s top priority and I have to learn that in the hardest way possible, even though I am so grateful I finally did!

When you open your mind and see through the lenses of the truth, you automatically make yourself the center of attention, which this has been a life lesson so far,  I am aware that for some is very easy to be the Sun and to watch everyone revolving around them, it comes so naturally for them to pick themselves over anything else, and I congratulate them for doing so.

How do you know you are in trouble? 

– When you are wasting your time and resources into the wrong situations with wrong people, and no matter how much you give to them they will still not appreciate it, they will keep on treating you like…well like you deserve to be treated, like nothing.

How do you know you are putting your efforts in the right direction? 

– You will feel joyous and you will shine, all your attempts to assist others will come from a desire to serve not from a need to be rewarded since there is plenty for everyone you will not feel depleted, but energized instead. The less you work or you do, the better, the more! 

It hasn’t been easy for me, I needed to get broken and destroyed, mostly from my own doing and the resistance to change, but when you start becoming your own Genie and you no longer take your energy for granted, you make your being the most important one, when you connect with the source inward, you become unstoppable, you start experiencing life from another spectrum, from the one where you are the first, the one, the only, you rock, you are a star, you are powerful, you are unique, you are eternal beauty and heaven!

After all, you realize you have been existing in hell for so long, then you make conscious decisions, and you get involved in those circumstances you would love, but you will no longer be placed somewhere or with someone, so you learn your value, or who you are, you already know you are your own teacher, advisor, master, your own God. 

In case you are wondering why selfish, arrogant and self-centered individuals have been appearing in your life, plain & simple, you have to get some of their “full of themselves” booster, but when you mix it with your great heart, you will become a delightful being!

Be grateful and let light in!❤❤

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