How to release yourself from karmic debts faster?

Karma revolves around our good and not so good deeds while being in a karmic situation it might be sometimes lovely,  most of the times it is quite painful.

When being in the cycles of that black hole it is devastating, like it or not, you do not know any reality beyond that point, you are entangled with those you have to play out the karmic part. 

Let’s focus on coming out from it quicker, so you can enjoy life, you can experience awakening, thus you will not look at yourself as a victim nor you are going to victimize others. 

Truth is, the more information you have the more you will not engage in situations where you are aware something bad might happen somewhere to someone when you know every cause has an effect. 

Moreover, you will remove yourself from places you no longer belong, you will create your reality with less and less negativity, you will confront life as it comes, you will get the idea and you will move on to higher levels of being. 

When you acknowledge what you are doing and when there is not a good intention behind it, you cannot do it anymore. You just can’t!

We all have been mean and bad, others have been in return with us more or less, but to a certain degree when we get involved with another, unexpected behaviors and a range of undesired outcomes usually hunt us, that’s why it is necessary to recognize your actions, thoughts, and moves as no one ever can escape the karmic wheel!

When it is of genuine concern you will enjoy the rewards and you will be congratulated, but when it is out of lack of compassion, the longer you dwell on that side the worse it gets. 
Even though apparently there is no reason to worry, because there is always a solution for everything, although, you will decide to stop dancing in the hell, getting out clear-sighted only when you cannot tolerate it anymore.

How do we speed up the process?

  • Be grateful for everything you have, even if you think it is not enough, be very grateful and mean it. Gratefulness takes us swiftly, solidly, full of apprehension and mastery of feelings in greater lengths.
  • Forgive yourself, forgive yourself even when you believe you are a little monster and you have been doing more wrongs than rights, your what you call “sick heart” will be cracked open again and you will finally discover there is relief on that side, it has always been, indeed!
  • Forgive others, especially those you think are not worth forgiving, those who have really hurt you and caused great pain in you, practice forgiveness!

Do not hold anyone in your chest, they do not deserve to be there and you need to claim your power back, besides when you forgive others you have learned your lesson and you don’t have to deal with them never again. 
If they haven’t learned theirs and they show up in your life, but you do not have any kind of emotional response towards them, it is because you have done your homework, now it is their turn to do so, and if they choose to not, it is none of your business.

While you vibrate in totally different energies, you cannot pass two times in the same waters of a river with the same individuals. Set yourself free, forgive them, let them crawl, you keep on soaring. 

  • Do not fear when you are being tested, when trials and tribulations are coming your way, stand still and do not react, everything that comes certainly goes.

Since we can not control life and others, we can only control ourselves so view things as normal, not as unfortunate or unpleasant, thus they will soon disappear.

  • Be playful and pay attention to your inner child, you know no matter how strong and mature or serious we hold ourselves, there is always a small child that needs to be nurtured in each of us.

When we ignore it and do not pay attention to what our inner child has to say, we become bitter, we lose La Joie de Vivre, and we do not appreciate anything, we are ghosts that breathe on earth. 
So to speak, tame it and take care of that little one, have fun with it once in a while, it is alright to be happy, it is fine to be childlike. 

After all, who can enjoy life, coming up on top, valuing things, loving with enthusiasm and intensity more than someone who has had to make it through the difficulties, oh… life is beautiful anyway and evolution is far greater, you will not experience boring, only ecstasy.

Raise your vibration! ❤❤

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