When an incident defines us!

We are defined by sudden moments we are not used with, when we pass on unknown territories, as a result, we will either change and elevate, or we will lose ourselves in between very thin lines.

When we are in difficult situations, in emergency we either thrive or we completely get paralyzed, it all depends on which side of your brain (Left & Right) or energy is more developed and which one is more at sleep.

Most likely events from childhood haunt us for long periods, usually, a single unexpected occurrence will shape our reality and we have to struggle with the conditions against the current or we will flow with the new identity.

As nothing happens without a reason, we have to develop what we have undervalued, and only when we are faced with a challenge we will be leveling up in the direction spirit requires us to evolve.

I have always believed that things that put us down, that make us bend are usually helping us to integrate parts we have ignored, so in case we have an addiction or an imbalance, we keep on looking within so we have a better understanding and we seek for solutions, instead of focusing on the problem.

We want to become balanced and to live in wellness, but the only way we can learn about something is by suffering from that or by not having what we want so we continue digging deeper.

We always excel where we have failed many times, so be patient with the journey and ask yourself where have you been facing your demons the most, and then do a soul searching as well as be open to hear your heart because what made you feel broken and hopeless is indeed the path to your mastery.

Let’s suggest you have a scar you have been totally ignoring it, never taking it into consideration, it has been so hidden in your unconsciousness as a way for not dealing with the pain you might have caused to yourself and to your loved ones.

If it is on your right side and even if it does not seem like a problem at least physically, you keep on skipping dealing with it, but when you think the right side of our body is connected with the left brain, which is our logical part, and that is the reason why you have always been so sensitive and emotional. (Or if on your right side, you have been so disconnected from your emotions, hence right brain, you lack creativity and compassion).

On one side, everything that happens affects you deeply and it makes you rather exhausted as you also feel emotions of everyone else and the pain way more than you should.

On the other side, if your logical side were completely fine you would not have learned all the things you have learned.

You would not have had a knack for understanding others and you would not have the ability to comfort their pain, you would have not known about reiki, psychology, spiritualism, astrology, energy healing, self-love, forgiveness, spiritual awakening, and so on, or probably you would, who knows, I just believe that nothing is just an accident.

Apart from that you might be a healer and you must embrace it, but one cannot heal others if one cannot learn how to heal himself beforehand.

Tricky enough, in order for one to grow and discover the true beauty of it all, it is essential to face some shadows and challenges, as when we are good, we do not expand, we don’t even bother stretching, ironically we advance when we are in torment and limitations.

Although our generation is blessed, we have all those alternative healing therapies, we just need to be strong and patient in our journey and decide to have a prosperous life, because we deserve it.

There is always a solution if you are determined to put the puzzles together.

One of the best treatments for scars is Body Talk Therapy, which is the best to connect you with your unresolved childhood traumas so everything will be transmuted and finally light will overcome the darkness.

With all that being said, whatever you are undergoing right now do not lose hope, you will definitely make it through enduring and clear-sighted.

It is not a surprise that the best writers of autism are not doctors but parents of autistic children, the best relationship counselors are not those who have had great relationships, but the ones who have had hardships.

That’s how one becomes an expert in their inner journey, being an experimental subject in the laboratory as well as in contemplation.
Love you! ❤❤

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