How do I know someone’s presence is not good for my wellbeing? 

Our parents are our first image for future relating, we will carry this memory with us for a long time. 

That’s why their connection and communication style, their emotional or physical absence will affect our relationships as an adult with our friends, siblings, cousins and most importantly with our romantic partners as well as how we will raise our children. 

Although, it is very important to have a good start, for some reasons we have the destiny to fulfill, karma to pay and lessons to learn so we will get usually entangled in all sorts of partnerships.

It is of paramount significance the fact that we as adults are the ones to be held responsible for unlearning what was off-target or relearning what they could not give us out of fear or simply not knowing. 

Moreover, we must focus on the solution, because looking for the problem and putting to much attention there it is going to keep us stuck instead of advancing further. 

Someone is not good to be around you, when:

  • They make you feel angry
  • Feeling uncontrollable emotions 
  • Feeling less than you are
  • When you feel like you need to defend yourself
  • When you are changing for worst 
  • Getting sick immediately after seeing them, they are energy vampires
  • Those who only criticize you
  • Those who hinder your progression 
  • Those who reside in low energetical layers and haven’t change a single bit since they were 7 years old… but you consider them friends or family even though they drain you because who is down wants to keep everyone else down 
  • Those who even though not physically close to you are like microorganisms that get fed by your attention and you are the one in complete isolation, It makes you feel puzzled, unable to accomplish your everyday tasks 
  • Those who constantly put you down just to boost their ego
  • Those who get from your optimism manipulating, controlling, rejecting, lying, ghosting, silent treating, gaslight you and on and on…

You will know when is the time to step back because you will be exhausted, very down emotionally, as though you are a victim and you have vanished while trying to get the intangible. 

You will realize that the only way to get back on track is by start giving to yourself, retreating, staying as far away from those who do not cherish your mind, body, and spirit, you will put very strong boundaries as they do not have for sure, you will stay away from those who do not understand you, as probably they will never do. 

Keep working on your aspirations, meditate, have fun, laugh as much as you can, this keeping the bacteria out of reach, let them find other sources of survival, you are nobodies replacement of nourishment. 

Even though you are courageous, positive and resourceful, giving to much, to easily to those who take advantage of your benevolence it is like burying yourself alive. 

Take care and be happy as parasites can’t live in healthy happy beings!❤❤

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