The infinite self!

Each time we distract ourselves from thoughts and patterns we would like to change, bursting from the reptilian side usually keeping us stuck in an outdated mindset, we will gain momentum and we will be in self-control, confident for a little while, until we learn how to practice facing our fears we won’t bimpound anymore.

 Every time we decide to better understand ourselves and life itself, we are taking responsibility to amend what is no longer benefiting us. 

Everything in this world requires patience and softness, you wanna learn something new, you wanna communicate with integrity and assurance, you wanna have a preferable standard of life, you can have it all, only when you will appreciate how fabulous and limitless you are. 

You know when two people do not get along and decide to cut off each other from their lives, is an indication of little compassion, big egotism and unforgiving personalities that no matter how wise they can be in other areas, with other people, they do not like someone who challenges their small persona, and they are not willing to come into any agreement. My way or the highway!

Although, with compromise we do not only accept that we have to cooperate in a world with different, unusual, unique individuals, but that we have to learn to merge those characteristics the other is reflecting at us, that are already internally and we simply do not have the bravery to investigate.

Therefore, we either shut the other out and we live in “peace”, until another will appear to work the assignment with us, or we will approach the situation from a point of learning how to coexist with both energies within without being thrown at us by another. 

As I know patience has been a big issue for so many people, that’s why we are growing intolerant each passing moment, that’s why marriages are not lasting, relationships are vanquished before even starting and family is almost non-existent. 

We do not know how to listen, we do not know how to interact with others, because we haven’t learned how to nurture ourselves, we haven’t learned how to train our mind and to look at our mind as an instrument for helping us accomplish our tasks, instead we have become servant of this appliance. 

We are infinite, our wisdom and the ability to have an abundant and prosperous life in all directions is awaiting for us around the corner if we start to regain competence and recognize our personal garbage. 


When you have a breakdown and you can’t think properly, when you are getting overwhelmed by a situation, thought or a word, do not try to run away, overthinking it, or rationalizing it so much getting paralyzed you cannot take a stand. Ups…

Thus, hear your emotions, befriend your fear without judgment, it is kind of observing someone else being anxious for something you think it is not a big deal.

So to speak, watch that person (yourself), imagine the worst case scenario of what is bothering you, and laugh with it, it will not be stored within as you have made that thing that indeed was not that important, very unworthy of your attention. 

We cannot remove ourselves from something unless we confront it, and trust me it looks like it is going to destroy you, but when you actually let it be released and experienced to the fullest it won’t keep you in discomfort for longer.

Freedom is back and when you learn this trick you can deal with everything else coming your way. 

What is next?

Your ego will try to sneak back from another direction with another story, that’s why you have got to learn how to not get fooled and return to your old ways of existing. 

You have got to set your new intentions, affirmations and you have to follow them strictly until they become your new path, your new way of living, beliefs that you would love to be manifested.

Mantra: I am infinitely abundant and prosperous, there is plenty for everyone, I am in my power! 

Raise your vibration! ❤❤

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