Are you in a highly sensitive journey!

We come in this world away from our origin and we are thrown here to discover life. 

Most of the times we feel confused, like something is deeply missing, and we always question what I am doing here on earth, what is the purpose of all this I am experiencing, am I dreaming, is this true or I am out of my mind?

Those thoughts are subconsciously hidden and we barely take the courage expressing them out loud, shhhht… others might hear and they will think we are insane we say to ourselves as we shut those questions away, denying even the necessary answers that might come with them.

Because we are disconnected from the source, we feel the need to feel complete somehow, most likely we are unfulfilled, we feel the separation and in order for us to survive, to keep living in the physical world we search for gold, love, fame, we want others to help us grow, have fun, to make us happy, simply to believe that we are living, this is life, we need friends, we need others and to be loved.

Actually, I do believe that exactly the fear of being alone is pretty strong and we reach to the other so they can help us fill the void, it is better being with others then alone we keep on concluding and that’s what most of us do, go out there and chase life. 

The story is different for highly sensitive individuals, it is not such a big deal being in groups, being in the crowd, they don’t  seem to find as much consolation in the material world, they actually are not really practical and superficial, they like depth but they don’t fear being by themselves, indeed that is their safe place. 

If someone who is not as sensitive wants another to feel better, highly sensitives get bothered even angry by another, not because they don’t love people, they do even more than anyone else, but they easily absorb energies, their aura get enmeshed with the other and they get confused as who is who and what is what, where am I and where is the other standing? They don’t want to lose themselves so they pull away.

The pleasure of being on their own is way stronger than the fear of being alone, so they would rather not couple up, other non highly sensitive individuals would do everything just to not be alone, afraid of loneliness.

As you may analyze, it is cool to know,  but it is hard to be very sensory of the environment, you are always on the edge of something happening, something going on even if the other is holding themselves tight to not speak up, to not share, to manipulate the outcome, you as a highly sensitive will at all times just tap into, you can’t help but figure out and feel what is going on with the other, at times even before the other is aware of his own baggage.

According to studies it is found that there are more women as highly sensitives comparing to men, and I do believe so since the last has the ability from nature to be more detached emotionally than the first ones can. 

Having relationships for highly sensitive people it is a real challenge, I would go as far and say they have probably had short term relationships, abusive relationships, or been single for most of their life. 

Why is that? 
They are very intuitive, they need space and time alone to process what is theirs and what is not, they need time to recharge in nature, silence or just being by themselves in their shelter but not everyone can apprehend their need for retreat, due to that they are often misunderstood. 

They can unravel when someone is lying and unfortunately we live in a society where lies are more common then the truth, but they can’t stand being lied, they will immediately know and they will retreat as they get hurt very easily. 

Betraying someone who is highly sensitive it is not going to be hidden for  long, they are usually blessed with visions and dreams, like their spirit is warning them something is about to occur watch out! There are people who would prefer someone who has no awareness of what they do outside of their relationships, but ain’t the highly sensitive.

They will sense when you are sick, tired, unhappy, in pain, they get the idea and they will make your problem theirs if they get to involved. The other will think they are paranoid. In that case you can both suffer from the same thing but that’s not beneficial for anyone involved, unless they take time out, recover so they can take care for the other as who better than someone who gets you in all levels can indeed help you more?! Not everyone though likes to engage in bonding relationships.

What highly sensitives should do to keep their self safe and sane?

  • They must ground themselves.
  • Energy healing modalities should be part of their every day life.
  • They should choose wisely people with whom they spend their time.
  • Stating to their partners that they are highly sensitive, so they need alone time which has nothing to do with the other.
  • Accepting they are highly sensitive and that they are gifted with this ability to read others.
  • Realizing that there is nothing wrong with them when they undergo emotional ups and downs, they are humanities antennas, they are healing vessels.
  • Resting and relaxing their mind throughout the day, taking care of their body and spirit. 

How is life with highly sensitives?

Amazing, never boring, they are fun, they love honesty, open communication, trustworthiness, understanding their highs and their lows. They are caring, nurturing, they will mother you, heal you, stand up for you, feed you with positivity, they decode you better than you do yourself, they will always cherish your heart if you just like them opt for stability, harmony, devotion, planning together. They love with all their being and will go out of their ways to make your life and this relationship the best you can ever expect.

From my perspective, for women it is more difficult, as usually men would not like to be around someone who deschipers them so well, who knows their unconscious secrets, who stares deeply into their eyes because they have nothing to hide as well as shows so much care and attention towards them, it is rare if they appreciate those wonderful creatures entering their chaotic lifestyle, especially when the man loves to have a dualistic living.

For highly sensitive masculine I believe it is easier to be one, as feminines in general are more sensitive and they like a loving man who pampers them, protects them, comforts them emotionally, so they are a bit more lucky I am guessing from my observations.

After all, it is important for both of them to spend some time alone daily and to deal with reliable, truehearted people, only then their life will elevate for the better.

Raise your vibration! ❤❤

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