If you are doubting yourself, drop it now!

Your thoughts, actions and your decisions are making your destiny!

Psychologically speaking, when two people have agreed to couple up, in most of the case is the woman who changes her lifestyle almost 80%, and the man only 20%, he is just adding her. Don’t be a norm, be an exception!

Have you ever wondered what is wrong with you and if you should change in order for you to be a fit for someone else and just like a chameleon you try to please them, harmony is of paramount importance, being nice at all times is the answer. 

Well, I am a fan of peace, love, common sense, I am also an admirer of freedom, space, but I do as well like open communication and patience.

On the other side, I despise everything that threatens calmness, I can’t stand unkindness and I can’t tolerate rudeness, but losing yourself in the process of keeping alive the balance outside of me it has been such a drain for my soul.

Are you being very amiable even to those who deserve a good yell, not because you don’t have a strong personality, in contrast, you do have one, but you know the value of life and you know the end of it, you are also aware of repeating cycles, so why bother dwelling in less than ethical behaviors?!

One very significant lesson you will learn throughout your life is that the nicer you will be the more nasty and unpleasant people you will meet, those who push your buttons, back and forward. 

I have come to the realization that it is ok to honor your spirit and to scream your lungs out, to voice your anger to those who made us feel that way.

It is fine to not be ultra-fine and meticulous at all times, especially with those who are not worth for it, not because we fight careless with careless, but sometimes inadequate does not understand love, bad knows the language of the darkness, give them darkness until they get so disgusted by it and they search for light afterward.

They might as well be thankful to you for treating them as they always have been treating themselves and others, poorly. 

I have learned that my spirit wants me to be bluntly honest and never doubt in myself, therefore whenever I am not being respected, I am not feeling enough, loved, I am doubting entirely who I am and my behavior, covering up stuff just to make something that is not good for my heart to turn out well.

I have learned to give it up and I would rather be on my own, than with those who want me to be like a puppet, to make them feel better about themselves because they are unable to accept me as I am, then no, thank you, next!

I do not want anyone near or close my energy field if I am not being appreciated for who I am, I am amazing just the way I am, I will forever follow my intuition and who does not understand that, then I am not going to stay there and wait, I will always go where I do belong, and be as authentic and straightforward, be as forthright as I can be, as I am tired of wearing myself off for what is not more important than my wellbeing.

Furthermore, I have noticed that when I answer to the rudeness with the same degree, I feel better as when I am delightful in front of the rude one, I am certainly faking it, my heart is crying for me to be as sincere as I can be, and I will not carry in my aura what I am supposed to release at that given moment, I will no longer get within me any baggage that is not gentle.

There are people who loathe someone for years, just because they were unable to clean the air at the time something occurred between them, and they think that the other deserves to be detested, but they forget that the feeling belongs to them and the other is having the life of their dreams forgetting completely what the other is doing to himself. 

Do not doubt yourself, like never ever, always cherish yourself with positivity and when you feel like saying something that is in your chest but is true, don’t even worry if you are making someone else upset, only think about being truthful and open, people won’t always like you but they for sure will understand your point when you are speaking freely from the heart. 

Again if you are distrusting and modifying yourself for another, it is time for you to leave and not look back, someone who is good for you will never require any change from you, and yes my dear, in this case, it is not you, it is them!

Moreover, do not try to rectify anyone else either, if an individual wants to be free, set them free if someone wants to enjoy his life in ways you do not, make them happy, let them go. 

If someone can’t afford being with you as you are, that it is not your problem, go separate ways, don’t pressure nor blame yourself, you are not faulty, neither they are, simply you are not for one another.

Rest assured, someone way better will always show up for you, a perfect setup is always on the outlook when you opt to be your own persona and not someone you are not. 

Raise your vibration! ❤❤

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