Marriage is a state of mind!

To marry or not to marry?!

Marriage is not just a change in status, or a binding contract, and it should not come as a result of indecisiveness, it should not even be made as an outcome of passionate love, that’s why I usually advise firstly having things figure out through communication.

When we have learned how to stay naked in front of the other not only physically, but able to showcase our instabilities, our fears, our wounds, the past, everything we are made from.

When we open up our hearts and become vulnerable, only then the marriage will survive.

One can’t just get married and clear things up as they come along, small things maybe, but for the rest you sort it out beforehand, and then when life will bring unknown situations, unpredicted events, we will be energetically experienced, because from the get-go we had the opportunity to know each other’s strengths and weaknesses to a certain degree.

We might as well be aware that we cannot and probably will never read and understand someone completely, not even ourselves in this regard, as we are always integrating in different levels of consciousness so, it is an illusion to think that what we know is an absolute truth, it is impossible for such to happen.

Anyhow, the more layers we peel before the actual marriage happens the better it will be to resolve upcoming issues.

I am not talking about testing the other or the waters if they are a match if they can parent you if they know how to calm you down, if they love you even when you do horrible mistakes.

I am not even referring to the facts as if they are messy and don’t know how to take care of you or themselves if they know how to cook and so on… I am not whatsoever denying that we have to be pragmatic in life since not all is fun and nothing gets ready by itself.

Although, I do believe that everything can be resolved perfectly when we learn how to converse properly, and when we realize that no one is exquisite, but we together can help one another to get close to our authentic self, that again requires wisdom, patience, tolerance, togetherness, thus, building strong roots so the foundation will never be shaken not even cracked for that matter.

I have noticed that when we say to a child, hey you are a little child you will learn more things when you will grow up, and when we say to a man, you are childish, they both get offended…

It feels like we are punishing them in some ways, truth is we are just giving them a clue to realize that it is lovely to have more years to come, and you will become an adult one day you want it or not, but to an immature man we want to give the chance to have more experiences, to be open to explore life and himself, as well as to be mindful of his ability to man up.

We can apply this philosophy in the marriage, it requires some steps, and slow but steady building rocks, it wants us to behave like adults and to contribute wisely into the future.

Marriage is not a dress we can throw away when we get bored, and it is not a vacation we waste it in the hotel room, it is a real thrill, a 24 to 7 full-time job and certainly brings pleasure when it overcomes obstacles, not only when it is lovy-dovy, ecstasy, romance or when everything is just flowing effortlessly.

We have to be capable to thrive in awkward, troublesome times, as per the good ones they don’t call for any skillful talents.

Raise your vibration! ❤❤

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